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Hey Amal here. No this isn't an author's note chapter or a prank the chapter is just a scroll away don't worry. This is the last chapter before the epilogue and oh my god has it been an emotional journey for all of us. If anyone told me that I'd get more than 8k reads before the story even ended I'd be like girl shut up what you smoking. 😂 still thank you all so much. Please take this double post as a sign of my appreciation. I won't waste anymore of your time so you can get to the story pronto.

It was around three pm in the afternoon when her father dropped her off at home. Theora was really excited to give Misha the news of her getting accepted to university so she ran up to the front door excitedly. She had already called her mother and Carmen from the car to give them the news not able to wait till she got home.

"Misha!" Theora called out as she entered through the front door removing her coat. It took her a second to realise no one was home.

"That's strange" Theora said to herself "Misha must've gone home early"

Shrugging it off, Theora made her way to the kitchen she stopped mid step noticing something off. Diego was now on the table instead of the counter and he had an arrangement of flowers around him. Theora noticed a little note on top of the flowers and picked it up.

You're not the only one who is extremely predictable

Theora laughed at the note thinking how thoughtful Nicholas is to have done all this for her. Upon intuition she opened the fridge and sure enough another surprise awaited. The entire refrigerator was filled with red roses with a huge sign standing on the top shelf.

Roses are red
Violets are blue
You're being naughty
Now go up to your room!

Then at the bottom in fine print.

That was really corny you should leave.

"Nicholas you crazy man" laughed Theora before going upstairs.

Theora gasped as she opened the door to their bedroom covering her mouth with hands in shock tears about spill at any moment. In the middle of the room a mannequin was wearing her wedding dress holding the sign 'Wear Me'.

Tears of happy fell freely as Theora removed the sign and held it in her hands for a minute. She ran her hand over Nicholas' handwriting.

"He came home early and did this all for me" Theora said thinking how lucky she was to be with a man like Nicholas. Suddenly the door bell rang and Theora ran downstairs thinking it was Nicholas only to find two women at the door.

"We're here for makeup and hairstyle for a Theora Markopolous" one of them said "Mr. Nicholas Markopolous sent us"

"Uhmm has he told you anything about his plans?" Theora asked thinking she'd get some information out of them.

"I'm sorry all he said was to have you ready in an hour so since we don't have much time I think we should start away" she said and Theora had no choice but to lead them upstairs to the bedroom where they immediately got to work. Theora learnt that their names were Kelly and Kate, they were sisters who owned a high end beauty salon near to Nicholas' office. Both sisters were pretty serious about getting her ready on time they even confiscated Theora's phone saying they didn't want her distracted.

"Okay at three we're going to turn you around so you can see the whole final look" Katy said. Theora was already dressed and they were done with her hair and makeup.

"One, two, three!" The sisters chanted before turning her around.

Theora had her eyes closed as she opened them slowly first looking down at the dress then making her up to her face.

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