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Theora stood by the pan frying eggs for breakfast she looked down at the eggs sizzling in the pan and found it mirrored the anger she felt inside of her. It had been three days since she and Nicholas fought but that wasn't the cause of her anger.

On the same night of their fight Theora lay awake in her bed. She had been crying not able to hold the tears back once she reached her room. At around two am she was about to drift into sleep when she heard a commotion outside her room. It was like someone was fumbling but as she got up to hear the noise closely she realised there were two people. She then heard someone giggle a female giggle. Theora wanted to throw up Nicholas had brought home a girl. Theora unknowingly moved closer to the door placing her hand over it. Soon she heard the sound of a door opening and then closing with a loud bang. Theora fell to the ground heartbroken without realising when she had given her heart away. Fresh tears fell down her cheeks not knowing what to do she stayed there for how many minutes or was it hours she couldn't tell. The tears had dried up on her face but she was still on the ground by the door when she heard Nicholas' bedroom door open again.

"You should come over more often" Nicholas cooed

"I'm only a call away" the girl with him said.

"Well I had a good time tonight. Tomorrow same time?" Nicholas asked

"Sure maybe next time we could actually" She said but Nicholas started to cough out of the blue which Theora found strange.

"Well I have to go to work early in the morning let me drop you off you to your car" with that both went downstairs chatting happily and loudly too may I add. And like that for the next three days straight this woman who from their conversations Theora found out was named Rachel (making her hate every Rachel in existence) came at around two and left before dawn. It wasn't even like Nicholas was even trying to hide it he made a point of being as loud. Last night he went far enough to pin her against Theora's door and make out with her from what she could hear of course.

"Theora!" Misha shrieked bringing me out of my thoughts and back into the kitchen. "The eggs they're burnt"

Theora gasped when looking down towards the eggs which were now a blackened mess. Misha quickly took the pan to the sink and ran water over it.

"I'm sorry Misha let me clean it"

"No I'll do it you sit down. I told you I'll make you breakfast. Seriously I'm worried about you for the past few days you've been waking up early not wanting to talk about anything. What's wrong Theora? Did something happen at the party?" She asked

Of course Misha didn't know about this Rachel girl and Theora didn't feel like talking about it.

"I'm fine Misha" Theora tried to as convincing as she could "I guess I'm a bit homesick that's all"

"You sure?"

"Yes" Theora smiled back at her

"Alright sit down I'll make you a nice breakfast" Theora did as she was told sitting down on the table. She wasn't waking up early she wasn't sleeping at all and it probably showed with the huge bags under her eyes.

As Misha placed the plate of eggs and bacon infront of her Nicholas came whistling downstairs ready for work.

"Breakfast ready Misha?" He asked coming into the kitchen

"Yes I'll bring it to you in the living room"

Nicholas usually had his breakfast in front of the TV while Theora had it in the kitchen. Today for some reason he didn't leave immediately looking down at Theora with an evil grin. An opportunity presented itself you may say.

"I'll have it here today Misha" he announced sitting down.

"Here in the kitchen?" Misha squealed in surprise

"I said it in English didn't I" he said taking a seat infront of Theora on the table.

"What's the matter Theora? You look tired" he asked her with fake concern. Misha almost dropped her plate in surprise but Theora knew all too well what he was playing at.

"I'm fine just peachy" she replied with a fake smile

"Good to hear" Nicholas his smile not faltering one bit.

"Your plate" Misha handed him his breakfast and Nicholas started eating right away. Theora almost pretended to eat her breakfast pushing the food around and taking small bites in between to make it look like she was actually eating. In truth she had barely eaten anything these past three days having completely lost her appetite.

"Eat up. Theora you've been pushing your food around all this time" Nicholas said looking at her. Although he did it to bug her but something about her not eating and the way she had been looking these past few days concerned him. Concern he didn't want to have but did anyway.

"I like to take my time" replied Theora taking a small bite. Nicholas looked at her warily but didn't say anything.

"Well I have to go to work" Nicholas said getting up "Goodbye Misha"

Nicholas then did something that made Misha almost faint and Theora want to poke his eye out with her fork. He moved over to Theora and kissed her on her cheek.

"Goodbye Theo"

Theora wanted to throw up. Add insult to injury. "Theo". THEO. What kind of a nickname was that!

Tightening her grip on her fork she forced a smile turning her head towards him.

"Bye Nicky"

Nicholas' smile faded but he recovered quickly faking a laugh before getting up to leave.

"Wait up for me I'll be home early" he added

"Sure thing" Theora cheered. To an outsider this was nothing but a loving conversation between husband and wife but they both knew the hate laced with each and every word.

As Nicholas closed the front door, Misha squeaked so loud at one point only dogs could hear here.

"You two have finally made up" Misha jumped up and down in excitement "no wonder you've been looking so tired these past few days. Sir Nicholas has been keeping you up" Misha wiggles her eyebrows suggestively

Theora didn't say anything just smiled the best she could. She later excused herself after forcing down a few bites it was probably all the food she would have today anyway. Once inside her bedroom she curled up in her bed and tried to sleep. She didn't want to think of Nicholas, she didn't want to think of his skank Rachel and she definitely didn't want to think of her broken heart. Luckily three sleepless nights finally caught up to her and her eyes closed from exhaustion.

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