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Theora was humming to herself as she was brushing her hair after taking a shower the next morning. She was all dressed up and was doing the final touches on her makeup when someone suddenly grabbed her from behind.

"NICHOLAS!!" She shrieked as he locked her in his embrace taking a nibble at her ear. "You almost gave me a heart attack!"

"You seem even more delicious in the morning" he hummed nuzzling his nose on her neck.

"You had your fun last night and if I remember correctly this morning as well" Theora pointed out yet still leaned into him.

"What can I say you draw me like a moth to a flame"

"So I draw you into your death. Great" Theora said sarcastically rolling her eyes.

"Staying away from you will be the death of me"

"Nicholas we're both late. Papa will be here any minute to take me to meet the dean at the university and you have to get to work!" Theora moved past him taking out a few makeup products "Do you still see them?"

"See what?"

"The hickies! It took like a pound of make up and corrector to conceal but I still don't feel I've properly hidden them" Theora looked frantically in the mirror trying to find any trace of them.

"I don't see them" shrugged Nicholas "but I am slightly disappointed you would want to hide our love from the world"

"Get dressed! Now!" Commanded Theora getting annoyed with him

"Oh someone's dominatrix side is showing" Nicholas said and try as she might Theora couldn't help the laugh from escaping. Nicholas went into the closet to get dressed emerging fully dressed with only his suit coat left which he brought out with him.

"Here let me help you" Theora said holding his coat while he inserted his arms into it.

"I love you. You know that right?" Theora said wrapping her arms around his neck and placing her head on his shoulders.

"I had a feeling but thanks for the conformation" Nicholas joked

"Thank you for last night" Theora said looking up to him "I know it wasn't easy for you to... stop like that" she added with some difficulty.

"Theora come on, you weren't ready that's perfectly normal" Nicholas cupped her face trying to reassure her.

"I know but it's difficult for me to explain I want you and I want to go on the next level with you yet it still scares me"

"Theora we can take it slow. I rather prefer that you take your time rather than rushing into things then regretting it later." Nicholas admitted "plus while we might not have gone the whole way last night was more than amazing. Having you in my arms feels like I have everything I'll ever need with me"

Hearing that was enough to melt Theora and before she knew it her lips were drawing to his like a magnet. When suddenly her phone started ringing.

"Papa" she gasped pushing Nicholas away "he's here. He'll be so angry and I haven't even had breakfast yet" and she ran downstairs.

"Theora wait up!" Nicholas called out as he also followed behind her.

Thankfully Misha had made sandwiches for both of them which they grabbed quickly with a tumbler of coffee.

"Good luck with the interview" Nicholas said as she was opening the front door placing a quick peck on her lips.

Nicholas went over to his car while Theora ran towards her father's car who was patiently waiting in the driveway. Nicholas and Demos exchanged a short wave as Theora got in the car.

"Hello papa" she said kissing her father on the cheek

"Hello my dear. Did you wake up late again?" He asked looking down at the sandwich wrapped in cellophane and the tumbler in her hands.

"No papa I woke up early but I was so nervous I didn't know what to wear. It took me twenty minutes to settle on this outfit." Theora told half the truth "Do you think this outfit is okay?"

"You look fine sweetheart" Demos reassured "they'd be crazy not to accept a smart and talented girl like you"

"Thanks Papa"

Theora sat nervously on the couch outside of the Dean's office with her father sitting next to her. They weren't there for long the dean's secretary called them in a short while later. The dean was a plump short man with a balding spot and stark white hair he also wore old fashioned round silver rimmed glasses.

"Hello Mr Botsaris and Theora I believe. Please come in" the Dean greeted them at the door.

Theora and her father greeted him back before he ushered them to sit down on the two chairs in front of his desk.

Demos and the dean chatted for a while before he turned his attention to Theora.

"So Theora you want to join our interior design classes" he said looking over her application.

"Yes I initially thought I wanted to do market strategy but I realised I have a real passion for interior designing" explained Theora.

"That's all good but I'm afraid I can't accept you in the middle of the year it would be too difficult for you to catch up to the rest" the dean said "but you seem like a bright girl so I'm willing to accept you in the fall"

Theora let the breath caught in her throat go for a moment there she thought he had rejected her.

"Yes... yes that's fine. I don't mind starting in the fall"

"Well then it's settled. I'll give your application to my secretary and add you to the fall roster so all you'll have to do is show up in fall."

"Thank you John" Demos said taking the Dean's name and getting up to shake his hand.

"Don't mention it. We need more bright students like your daughter in our university. Heaven knows the things I have to deal with on a daily basis. I had to remove all the poles around the campus just so students wouldn't run into them while looking at their phones it's a complete mess I tell you" he laughed walking both Theora and Demos to the door.

Theora said goodbye to the dean before going outside. The secretary gave them a short tour of the campus and Theora felt like she was already in love with the place. The university had a rustic feel to it and the secretary pointed out the significant of the architecture which Theora found very much interesting. In the middle of the tour, Theora felt her phone vibrate which she had put on silent before going into the Dean's office. Looking at the screen she saw it was Nicholas and she noticed it wasn't his first call he had called twice before but she hadn't noticed. Theora excused herself before getting out of earshot to talk to Nicholas.

"Hi" she sung happily into the phone.

"Hey there. You finally picked up" Nicholas said back.

"Yeah I was just taking a tour of the campus"

"So how did the interview go?"

"Well I won't be able to take any classes this year " Theora said trying to sound sad to be more believable.

"What!" Nicholas shouted so loud Theora she had to hold the phone away from her ear for a second.

"Because I'll be joining in the fall. I'm already on the roster" Theora said happily

"Oh thank god you had me worried there for a sec"

"I'm so happy Nicholas. I'm finally going to get to go to university and it's all because of you. Thank you"

"Theora I only did what I felt was right you would've don't the same if you were in my position"

"Yeah but still thank you"

"Well you can thank me another way"

"What are you suggesting?"

"Why don't you go home and I'll tell you there" Nicholas said before Theora heard someone call his name "Theora I have to go I'll talk to you later on k. Bye"

"Ok bye" that's all Theora was able to say before Nicholas hung up. Theora shook her head and laughed before going back to join her father for the tour.

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