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"THEORA! WE'RE LATE! MAMA HAS ALREADY CALLED THREE TIMES!" shouted Nicholas from downstairs. It was Christmas Day and they had to arrive at his parent's house half an hour ago.

"Just a minute!" Theora said wearing her earrings. She gave herself one final look making sure her makeup was perfect and her dress hadn't creased up.

"Mama will be furious.." Nicholas started yelling again but stopped seeing Theora at the top of the stairs.

"I'm here. I'm here stop yelling" Theora snapped.

"Merry Christmas" Nicholas grinned admiring his wife. Theora bit her lip trying to contain the smile that come upon her face.

"Merry Christmas to you too" she said giving Nicholas a slight peck on his cheek. "Oops got some lipstick on you" She then proceeded to wipe it away with her thumb.

"Don't wipe it off. I might even never wash this side of my face ever again" Nicholas teased moving away his face.

"Stay still it's almost gone" Theora scolded "there all gone. Come on grab your coat! We're late"

Nicholas rolled his eyes but still proceeded to wear his coat and both went out together to the car.

"You're late!" That was the greeting Odelle gave them as the maid let Theora and Nicholas in and they had removed their coats.

"Merry Christmas to you too, Mama" Nicholas said

"Oh Nicky, Merry Christmas baby" she kissed him once on each cheek.

"Mama please I don't want to get lipstick on me again" the words were out of his mouth before he realised what he said. "Umm I meant I don't want lipstick on me" he coughed uncomfortably wiping his cheeks with his sleeve. Odelle suppressed a laugh before going to greet Theora who was blushing furiously.

"Merry Christmas my dear" Odelle hugged Theora.

"Merry Christmas Mama" Theora replied. In Greek tradition it's frowned upon to call your elders by their name so it wasn't uncommon for a bride or groom to call their in laws mama and papa.

"Come on in. Leon is waiting for you in the tv room"

Most of the Markopolous family still lived in Greece so they had little to none relatives in America so Christmas was usually a small affair with only the addition of Theora this year.

Leon was sitting in the living room with the tv on while he was busy checking his emails on his phone. After they wished Leon, both Theora and Nicholas sat down on the couch.

"Do you need my help Mama?" Theora asked

"No Theora. I haven't done anything myself. Christmas is my time off, the maids have made everything and have almost set the table. Today we hang out together as a family. Isn't that what you kids say nowadays 'hang out'" Odelle laughed taking a seat herself.

"You've been watching those reality shows again haven't you Mama?" Nicholas asked in annoyance.

"Not all of them, just the Kardashians and their spinoffs, the bachelor and the real housewives" Odelle admitted meekly

"Which Real Housewives do you watch?" Theora asked out of curiosity

"All of them" Odelle said quickly before taking a gulp of her wine.

"Mama those shows are complete trash and then you always start quoting them please stop watching them"

"I won't. Bible"

"Nicholas you read the emails I sent you yesterday?" asked Leon with his eyes still glued to his phone and his fingers busy tapping away.

"I did and also called the client in Germany personally" answered Nicholas

"Good we need to get this project going as soon as possible" Leon said finally looking up from his phone.

"Please Leon no office talk today" Odelle said

"Right so I was thinking since their isn't much to do in the office for a few days why don't you two go on a vacation somewhere. I've already chartered a plane and hired a pilot while Greece is cold this time of year it is still a nice place to visit but if you want to go someplace warmer like the Seychelles or Mauritius then it can be easily arranged" Leon suggested.

Theora went pale she had just gotten to know Nicholas and right away she was going on a honeymoon with him. Although they literally slept in the same room and the same bed these past few days, Theora felt anxious at the thought of them going on a romantic vacation together.

"We'll think about it father" Nicholas said

"Alright give me an answer to where you want to go by tonight" Leon replied returning his focus back to his phone.

"Oh lunch is ready" Odelle cheered "Come on we have to go to the Botsaris' after this. I can't wait to go with Nicholas and Leon being so busy this time of year we rarely visit family now finally after so many years I get to have a real Greek Christmas bash"

The Botsaris Christmas dinner was truly a large event with all family members from all over the country coming to get together.

After they had lunch together, all four of them immediately got up to go. Leon and Odelle went together in one car while Nicholas and Theora went in his car.

"I don't want to go on the honeymoon" Theora announced suddenly in the car

"I thought as much. Don't worry I'll talk to him later tonight and try to convince him to cancel it but by the way he was talking about it I feel it won't be an easy task" Nicholas admitted

"Well please try for my sake" pleaded Theora

"Okay I will. Cheer up your going to parent's house and it's Christmas plus it's snowing you should be over the moon"

Nicholas' words did little to calm her down suddenly she felt suffocated at the thought of facing her entire family and the imminent honeymoon ahead of them.

"Theora!" Everyone cheered as they entered the mansion. Twenty people huddled around Nicholas, Theora, Odelle and Leon wishing them a Merry Christmas. It took almost half an hour to greet each and every person by the door before going into the grand hall which was at the left wing of the mansion only used for large parties such as today. The entire hall was decorated with a Christmas theme in mind, large wreaths on the walls with green and red streamers going between them, each table (thirty in all) had a mini Christmas tree cake and cookies as centre pieces and the large buffet that went from one side of the hall to the other with any food related to Christmas you could think and Greek dishes as well of course. Waiters buzzed through and fro while everyone drank and ate and danced like there was no tomorrow.

"I'm going to sit with Carmen" Theora spoke into Nicholas' ear as the music was loud.

"Your family doesn't have the tradition of messing with the son in law do they?" asked Nicholas holding onto her elbow like his life depended on it.

"Nicholas we're a traditional respectable Greek family of course we do" Theora smiled evilly "I would watch my back they almost made Christos cry his first Christmas" she winked freeing her elbow from his grasp and running off.

Nicholas already felt like he was going to cry. There was only one of him against countless cousins of hers. Call him crazy but he could already feel that they were plotting against him huddled together talking amongst themselves and laughing. When one of them noticed him staring at them his expression went blank before dragging his thumb across his neck then started laughing waving it off as it was a joke.

"I'm a dead man"

Love Not Included (An Arrange Marriage Story) Where stories live. Discover now