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Two months later...

The suns rays seeped through the windows. Theora eyes fluttered open turning to her side she saw Nicholas was still fast asleep. Stretching her hands while yawning she got up and slowly tipped toed to the bathroom where she just brushed her teeth and washed her face. Tiptoeing back out of the bathroom and out of the room so as not to wake up Nicholas, Theora made her way downstairs. She had given today off for Misha, it was the weekend and since it was also Nicholas' birthday today. Nicholas specifically asked that he didn't want a party and just wanted to spend the day with Theora then later on in the evening they'd both visit his parents for dinner. Theora didn't want to go against his wishes eventhough his mother did insist on a surprise party but Theora turned the idea down. She did however want to do a few things special for him and so she got to work on a birthday breakfast for him. Rainbow pancakes with whipped cream and maple syrup and a candle on top. Nicholas likes to have orange juice with his breakfast so Theora made him some fresh orange juice. Adding Diego lastly to the tray with a single rose and a single birthday candle on the pancakes Theora made her way upstairs to surprise Nicholas. She was wearing one of Nicholas' white buttoned up shirts and that's how he preferred to see her saying she looked sexy in his clothes.

Nicholas was still asleep snoring away as Theora entered the room.

"Happy birthday to you" Theora began singing which caused Nicholas to stir and his eyes to flutter open "Happy birthday to you, happy birthday Nicholas. Happy birthday to you"

Nicholas sat up in bed with a huge grin on his face while Theora rested the tray over his lap as she sat next to him.

"Happy birthday babe" Theora said kissing him light on the lips. "Now eat up"

"Sure will" Nicholas said suggestively pulling Theora closer.

"I meant breakfast" Theora giggled as he peppered small kisses all around her neck and jawline. "Stop you'll spill everything on the tray" Theora pushed him away.

"Blow out the candle, have your breakfast then we can talk about other activities" Theora said moving away from him.

"Will I get what I wish for?" Nicholas asked raising an eyebrow

"Maybe even more" Theora answered and that was more than enough for him blowing the candle out. Cutting his first bite out and sticking it on a fork he ushered Theora to come closer.

"What is it? Is something wrong with the pan..." before Theora could finish Nicholas stuffed the bite in her mouth.

"You expect me to eat while you stay hungry" Nicholas said "we're eating together"

"Nicholas I wasn't that hungry" Theora explained but Nicholas wasn't having any of it offering her another bite but this time Theora took the fork and fed it to Nicholas. They spent most of that morning together not leaving the room till late afternoon.

"Nicholas you remember when you asked me what if we met differently in Tenerife?" Theora asked as she rested her head on his shoulder. They were watching a movie in the tv room and had ordered a pizza for lunch.

"I do. What about it?"

"I'm glad we met the way we did. I don't want to change anything with our story" Theora admitted getting up to face Nicholas.

"Even when I was mean to you?" Nicholas asked tucking her away behind her ear.

"Even when you were mean to me"

"Even when I hurt you?" Nicholas got up so their faces were only inches apart

"Even when you hurt me" Theora admitted her voice lower almost in a whisper.

"Even when we barely talked?" Nicholas grabbed her waist pulling her even closer.

"Even then"

"What about what's come?" Nicholas asked "you ready for that?"

"You're stuck with me Nicholas Markopolous" Theora laughed

"Well in that case" Nicholas flipped her over so she was now below him causing Theora to shriek in surprise.

Theora never felt happier in her life she was just about to start university in the fall and she was married to the love of her life.

Who knew that Nicholas and Theora's lives would lead to this a loveless arrange marriage turned into a loving marriage which would put the best love story to shame.


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Thank you everyone who read the story and fell in love with Theora and Nicholas. Thank you for all the views. Thank you for the votes. Thank you for the wonderful comments. And mostly thank you for your support. I might publish an epilogue part 2 or might even think of a sequel in the near future but I'll have to see so I'm not making any promises just yet. I do want to publish the rough outline that I made for the story when I first got the idea if anyone wishes to see it even one person just comment and I will. Till then I guess it's goodbye with lots of love


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