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That same night Theora awoke at eight pm. Misha had already gone for the day so she was alone at home.

Pouring herself a glass of milk Theora decided she'd go into the library maybe read a book to keep her mind off of things. She searched the pantry remembering there were a box of Oreos placed somewhere inside it. While still searching she heard footsteps, thinking it might be a ghost her head jerked up but it was just Nicholas who had come home early for some reason. She glared at him for a moment before going back on her search she finally found them behind a box of cereal.

Nicholas searched the fridge and saw that Misha had left a whole cooked lasagne in there for them. Puzzled as to why she drinking milk and Oreos and not a real meal he looked at Theora quizzically. She seemed to be not eating these past few days because everytime he came home the food in fridge would be untouched.

"Have you eaten any real food today?" He found himself asking her as she was placing three Oreos on a plate.

"No one's here" Theora said closing the box back up.


"I said no one is home but me so keep the concerned husband act for when we have company" she snapped

Nicholas' expression hardened, let her starve to death he thought what do I care. Angrily grabbing a plate he put a large portion of lasagne on it.

Theora picked her plate up and left for the library. Nicholas looked down at the still quiet full box of Oreos on the table and then his plate which he pushed aside as he suddenly didn't feel hungry anymore.

The next morning, Theora didn't come out of her room till she was sure Nicholas had left. When she entered the kitchen Misha wasn't there but could hear her voice coming from the laundry room.

"No no no no" Misha uttered over and over again

"Misha is something wrong?" Theora gasped as she looked down at what Misha was holding or what was left of it.

"I'm so sorry Theora. I don't know I think I messed up the settings on the machine and it ruined your sweater"

In her hands was Theora's favourite sweater shrivelled and distorted.

"It's okay Misha"

"No it's not. I know this was your favourite"

"No it's absolutely fine I'll check the stores website they probably have one in stock even if they don't it's just a sweater." Theora reassured her.

Over breakfast, Theora searched the website and placed a call to the shop's care centre and found out that they had one in her size at the store across town. Theora thought she might look around and buy something for herself as well. A few days after getting married Leon sent her a company credit card with no limit and she still had her families card with her too but Theora rarely went out so all it was used for was the antique shopping she did the other day. Misha had a seperate card for groceries.

Roberto couldn't find parking near the store so he parked the car about a block away but Theora didn't mind the walk. It was fall the colourful trees and the leaves crunching under her every step always put a smile on Theora's face.

At the store the clerk had already put the sweater aside for Theora. She decided to look around the store to see if she found anything else she liked. She found a few things and had piled them on her arm ready for checkout. A dress caught her eye and she stopped to look at it.

"One shade the more, one ray the less,
Had half impaired the nameless grace
Which waves in every raven tress,"

Theora froze hearing the familiar voice turning robotically on her heels to come face to face with none other than Sergei.

"Or softly lightens o'er her face;
Where thoughts serenely sweet express,
How pure, how dear their dwelling-place." He finished the poem with a huge grin on his face

"What a wonderful coincidence to meet you again Theora"

"Sergei how are you?" Theora asked. Theora smiled genuinely happy to see him but a sudden fear grasped her also like something bad was about to happen.

"Oh how could poor Sergei be. The curse has hit me again my eyes laid on a maiden that made my heart flutter in this store. I went up to her and found out that not only has she got a boyfriend but is three months pregnant" he said holding his heart "although in hindsight I should've known better she was shopping in the new born aisle"

Theora laughed whole heartedly feeling her previous fear disappear.

"Sergei don't you think that it might not be a curse but a lack of common sense" Theora pointed out.

"Maybe you're right, love is blind and void of common sense as they say" he agreed "do you have a sister by any chance?"

"I do she's married and seven months pregnant"

"Now tell me I'm not cursed even your sister is taken"

"Fate must have someone in store for you maybe it's just not the right time to meet her"

"There are a lot maybes in Sergie's life Theora but what can a man do. A simple maybe isn't enough for this impatient heart"

"Sergei I have to go" Theora said looking at her watch "it was nice running into you here"

"Hope this happy coincidence happens again, Theora. Goodbye" Sergei bowed dramatically which made Theora laugh even more saying goodbye Theora made her way to the checkout before making her way outside. She was fumbling through her purse so she could call Roberto to come for her when she looked ahead and saw Nicholas exit the restaurant across the street with two other men who most probably business acquaintances. Nicholas also noticed her and was confused as to what was she doing there.

Theora suddenly felt someone tap her shoulder by the way Nicholas' expression harden she deduced who it probably was. Turning towards him she saw Sergei holding up a shopping bag.

"You forgot this Theora. The woman in the store thought you were with me so she gave it to me" he smiled handing her the bag.

"Thank you Sergei" from the corner of her eye she could see Nicholas storm off. With a heavy sigh she said goodbye again to Sergei and headed back home.

Love Not Included (An Arrange Marriage Story) Where stories live. Discover now