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Theora sat at the head of the bed she'd been awake for almost an hour now refusing to go out before Nicholas left for the office. She barely slept last night yet still woke up at the brink of dawn. Funny how things came full circle right back to how it used to be her and Nicholas living like strangers under the same roof.

At around eight she heard the guest room door close. She got up and discreetly opened the balcony door which overlooked the driveway peeking her head slightly she saw Nicholas was by his car about to get in. Nicholas looked up probably feeling her presence and in an instant Theora hid behind the curtain. Only taking a peek once she heard the engine run and the car driving off.

Theora didn't go downstairs to have breakfast instead went to her closet and grabbed a suitcase. She slowly took out a few essentials leaving the rest behind knowing that she'd have to pack them up and move them to her parent's house some other time. Misha knocked on the door at about noon asking why she hadn't come down for breakfast. Theora dismissed her at the door saying she was sick and that Misha should stay away so she doesn't catch it too. Once Theora finished all her packing she put her suitcase to the side and decided to take a shower and change thinking she'd leave at around five or six o clock when Misha had left. Theora didn't have it in her to say goodbye to her she resolved to explain herself some other day rather than deal with it now.

Theora was out of the shower and dressed when her phone rang it was Sergei. Theora wondered why he was calling her but picked it up nonetheless.

"Oh! Thank god Theora you picked up the phone" Sergei said over the phone out of breath.

"What is it Sergei is everything alright with you and Nina?"

"Nothing is right I need you to meet me right away"


"Yes now. Meet me at the parking lot of that mall near your home. I'm already waiting for you in my BMW"

"Will you at least tell me what's wrong?"

"There isn't much time please come right away"

"Fine I'll be there in ten minutes"

"Please Theora hurry" pleaded Sergei before hanging up.

Theora looked at her phone with a puzzled look. What the hell was that. Theora picked up her phone and wallet and made her way downstairs grabbing the keys to the car. Theora rarely drove herself anywhere usually going with a Driver or family member but the mall was just a short five minute drive and Theora didn't want to bother Roberto.

It was a weekday so the parking lot was mostly empty and Theora could clearly see Sergei's ruby red BMW parking a few parking spot away from it Theora got out and walked towards it. Sergei immediately got out running to meet her.

"Thank god you're here" Sergei said grabbing her hand and pulling her away from the mall "quickly before he leaves"

"He? Who are you talking about" Theora asked confused she thought he had brought her here because of Nina.

"I'll explain everything. Nina had sent me to pick up the new baby bath she ordered for the baby and as I was exiting my car I saw them" Sergei pulled her towards an alleyway near the mall slowing down as they approached it. Sergei placed a finger of his lips ushering her to keep quiet and to follow her. Sergei stood by the side of the wall like a spy and told her to do so as well. At the end of the alleyway Theora could see two women standing side by side when she looked closely she saw one was Rachel and the other was Nicholas' secretary Claire. They seemed to be talking to someone out of Theora's view.

"I think you now know what's best for you" Rachel said to the unknown person. "Do as we say and we won't cause anymore harm"

"What do you want from me?" Theora recognised his voice immediately she leaned out a little to see Nicholas yet still be hidden from their view.

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