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Theora and Misha cleared out the living room the next day first thing in the morning and the men brought over the couches in the afternoon. Theora liked a carpet at her parent's and had asked her mother to buy her the same one for the living room. With the carpet, couches, coffee table and decoration pieces in place the living room was transformed from a boring all white room to a welcoming space. Carmen and Mama had requested pictures once the room was done and Theora was busy taking pictures on her phone for them.

"I can't get enough of looking at this room Theora it's just so much better" gushed Misha coming up next to her.

"I know it hasn't been a second since I've sent Carmen and Mama the pictures and they're already sending me drool emojis" laughed Theora

"Theora I have to go or we'll be late for the bus" Misha and Roberto were going to her in laws for Christmas who lived three states away.

"Okay but I'll miss you" Theora said giving Misha a goodbye hug

"I'll miss you too" Misha said hugging her back.

"Misha! We're going to be late" Roberto said from the front door

"Hold on I'm coming" yelled back "alright I better go bye Theora"

"Bye Misha"

The sun had already set but there was still a few minutes of twilight left before darkness engulfed everything. Theora turned on the lights to the garden making her way outside to the patio. It was a very cold day but Theora still went out without wearing a sweater she didn't plan on staying in the garden for long. As she was about to return to the house, Theora noticed a white speck falling towards her as she held out her hand to catch it and the white speck gently rested on her hand suddenly the snow started to pour from the sky. Theora looked up in excitement it was the first snow of the year she held both hands like a little kid. As Theora turned around she saw Nicholas standing in the doorway of the patio smiling at her.

"Did you and Diego have another secret party without me?" He teased walking towards her

"I'm not drunk Nicholas just happy. Look it's the first snow of the year" Theora giggled happily

"That's all fine but you'll catch pneumonia standing out her without a sweater" Nicholas said wiping away the snow from his shoulders only for more snow to rest on it.

"What is it? Little Nicholas afraid of the snow" Theora taunted trying to catch a snowflake with her mouth.

"Well last time I checked you weren't Elsa either" he said grabbing her arm and taking her inside

"One more minute Nicholas"

"Theora if you don't come this way I'm going to carry you inside!"


"You're practically covered in snow go upstairs and change" Nicholas ordered

"So are you?!"

"But I have more than three layers of clothing on me"

"I want hot chocolate I'm going to put some on the stove then I'm going upstairs" Theora said

"I'll make the hot chocolate you go upstairs"

"You know how to make hot chocolate?"

"Only the best hot chocolate you'll ever have"

"Really? Fine let's see if your hot chocolate will blow me away" Theora said going upstairs to change. She changed into a hoodie and a pair of jeggings also tying her hair into a tight pony before going back downstairs.

Nicholas had removed his suit and vest, rolling up the sleeves of his white shirt Theora admired him from the doorway as he poured the hot chocolate into two cups for a minute. His back was towards her she couldn't help thinking how good he looked with his shirt tucked in and her gaze went down... control yourself Theora she scolded herself shaking her head.

"Hey you're back" Nicholas smiled "do you want marshmallows in yours?"

"Two please" requested Theora sitting down.

"Here you go" Nicholas placing the cup in front of her in a thick Greek accent.

"Efharisto" Theora thanked him in Greek

"Parakaló,  agapimeni mou" Nicholas replied which roughly meant you're welcome, darling. Theora laughed the comment off taking a sip of her hot chocolate.

"Oh! My! God!" She exclaimed in surprise it was actually really good.

"I know there's magic in these hands" Nicholas said waving his fingers dramatically "atleast for the things I know how to make"

"And what would those be?"

"Hot chocolate of course, I can make a pretty presentable pasta and ramen. You haven't lived until you've eaten my ramen"

"Well I'll make a note of that then because if it's as good as this I can't wait" Theora admitted taking another gulp of her hot chocolate. "Oh by the way your mother called. She wanted me to remind you again that we're having for Christmas Day lunch at their house then we're all going to my parent's house together so make sure to wake up early"

"She already called me twice to remind me since yesterday"

"I think no one has any faith in us after we were late to Carmen's baby shower"

"And whose fault is that?" Nicholas laughed at her Theora just waved him off.

"I've been doing a lot thinking lately... about what you said" Theora said after it went quiet between them for some time.

"And have you come to a decision?" Nicholas asked. Theora took a deep breath before continuing.

"I actually don't know if I want to continue this marriage infact I'm not sure exactly what I feel about this sudden change either" Theora admitted. Nicholas clenched his jaw but didn't say anything telling himself he'd accept whatever decision she made even if it broke him.

"But" Theora added "it would be unfair of me not to give you another chance and not to give this some time. I need to learn to trust you before I can decide if I can go on with this or not"

"I'll do whatever I can to earn your trust Theora. I promise from this day forward you'll come before anything and everything" Nicholas said placing his hand over hers "Sorry I hadn't realised I did that" he apologised taking his hand away.

"No I don't mind it" Theora said meekly blushing slightly.

"Theora about what happened before with me bringing that woman home.."

"Nicholas it's okay you don't have to explain yourself. We both need to start fresh whatever we both said and did in the past is something we need to move on from."

"No but Theora I think I need to..."

"Nicholas I'm serious I don't need to know" Theora stopped him this time placing her hand over his giving it a small squeeze. Nicholas gave up and turned his hand to hold hers tightly like he never wanted to let her go.

Love Not Included (An Arrange Marriage Story) Where stories live. Discover now