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Nicholas stirred slightly he had forgotten for a second where he was the car alarm jolting him into reality. As he opened his eyes at first everything around him was blurry slowly the world around him came into focus and he realised he had been in a car accident. He felt a searing pain in his arm but ignored it as he remembered Theora was also with him looking over at her his heart slumped. She was injured there was a stream of blood across her face starting from her forehead.

"Oh god! Theora! Theora please wake up" Nicholas said unfastening his seatbelt gently placing a hand on her cheek he shook her slightly.

"Nicholas" Theora weakly croaked her eyes scrunched up as a hand went up to her wound.

"Thank god" Nicholas sighed in relief "Theora everything will be alright I'm getting us out of here"

Nicholas tried to open his door but it was clamped shut he moved himself around and tried to kick it open after the second kick it gave way and completely fell to the ground.

"I'm coming for you okay. Stay put" Nicholas got out and went up to the other side of the car. Thankfully the door opened easily and he was able to carry her out. His arm burned in pain as he picked her up but he ignored it, all he knew he had to get Theora to safety. As he placed Theora on the ground away from the car two ambulances arrived. One came up to them the other to the truck that was flipped on its side.

"We have to call another ambulance there are two people in the second vehicle" one of the two paramedics said that came up to them.

"I'm fine just make sure she's okay" Nicholas told them

"You sure the next ambulance will be here in only five minutes" the paramedic said

"No! I have to go with her. I already said I'm fine just take care of her she's bleeding" with that the paramedics immediately began strapping Theora into the stretcher.

"Sir please sit in front with the driver their isn't much room for you to sit with us in the back" the paramedic told Nicholas to which he nodded and quickly made his way to the front of the vehicle.

As the ambulance stopped infront of the hospital entrance Nicholas felt light headed but shook the feeling getting out to go inside with Theora.

"Theora you okay?" He asked holding her hand

"I think I'll be okay Nicholas" she replied weakly as they entered through the doors to the emergency room.

"Nicholas!" Theora shrieked looking down at his arm "You're bleeding!"

Nicholas looked down to see the stream of blood dripping down his arm creating a small puddle on the floor. Suddenly it felt like he was slipping away and the last thing he saw was a blurry image of people in blue running towards him with Theora screaming his name as he slipped into darkness.

"NICHOLAS!" Theora screamed again trying to get herself up from the stretcher almost falling off herself but the paramedic was quick to hold her in place.

"Take her into the ER Steven!" A nurse yelled at the paramedic "We'll take care of your him honey" she told Theora before she was rushed into the ER. Theora screamed and yelled to be taken back to Nicholas but they didn't listen to her.

"Listen, Theora right? We can't help either of you if you both act this way. Although what he did back there was brave it was also very stupid and I don't need you to continue this stupidity. Let the nurse stitch you up and after that you'll have a CT scan which will only take five minutes then you'll be free to visit Nicholas. Can you do that much for me?" The paramedic Steven said trying to show her some sense. Theora felt hot tears stream down her cheeks not being able to say anything she just nodded.

"Is there any family member you wish to inform?" The nurse asked

"Yes, my father in law, Leon Markopolous"

By the time Leon and Odelle had arrived Theora had already received the stitches and was just exiting from the CT scan. She tearfully explained the situation to both of them and all three together went to check on Nicholas. Nicholas had been taken into the OR because he had a deep cut from the crash that had severed a major artery from what the nurses said he should be fine and the operation would take half an hour tops.

Demos also arrived after some time he placed a reassuring hand over his daughter's shoulder as they sat in the waiting room. Theora's mother had taken Yaiyai home, Yaiyai naturally was hysterical when she heard wanting to come to the hospital too but Demos said they would overcrowd the hospital and there was no use in going saying he'd inform them when Nicholas was out of danger. Leon paced the room nervously while Odelle sobbed in her seat.

"Nicholas Markopolous' family?" A male doctor came into the waiting room.

"I'm his father. How is my son?"

"Your son is out of danger. We've given him a few blood transfusions so he might be weak from that for a while but other than that he's perfectly fine his injuries weren't that serious nothing a few days of rest won't fix. He'll probably wake up from the anaesthesia in a few minutes you can visit him then" the doctor informed them.

"Thank you so much doctor" said Leon shaking his hand

"Which one of you is Theora, may I ask?"

"Oh she's my daughter in law right here" Leon pointed to Theora

"Well then you should visit him immediately the patient kept chanting your name while he was unconscious" the doctor laughed "only one person can visit at a time alright" with that the doctor left.

"Our son is fine Odelle come on stop crying now" Leon said reassuring his wife.

"I can't believe I almost lost him" cried Odelle "Theora dear go to him immediately before he wakes up. Go on dear"

Theora nodded and made her way towards the room they had kept Nicholas.

"Can I go inside?" She asked the nurse outside the room.

"Yes you may" the nurse said opening the door for her "he hasn't awoken yet so please be quiet"

Nicholas lay motionless the only noise was Nicholas' heavy breathing and the heart rate monitor, his arm was heavily bandaged. Theora placed a hand over his and rubbed her thumb over his knuckles.

"Theora" Nicholas croaked

"I'm here Nicholas" Theora said

Nicholas flickered his eyes open then looked towards Theora giving her a small smile.

"Hey" he managed to say

"Hey" she said back

"Why didn't you let the paramedic see you Nicholas? You could've died" Theora asked she knew this probably wasn't the time but she couldn't help herself.

"I guess I wasn't thinking" Nicholas admitted "all I knew was that I couldn't see you get hurt because of me again and that was all that mattered at the time"

"The accident wasn't your fault the truck's brakes malfunctioned causing the driver to crash into us" Theora said

"Well I guess we both got lucky then" Nicholas smiled.

"I should go your mother and father also are waiting outside and you have to rest"



"I'm sorry I know that I have said it a couple of times now but I just wanted you to know that I actually mean it and I also meant that I don't expect you to forgive me"

"Nicholas it's.."

"No Theora. I don't want you to forgive me just like that out of pity for my current state but I do want to earn your forgiveness. Will give me a chance to redeem myself?"


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