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Five past seven, that was what Nicholas' watch said as he checked in the hallway. Theora had yet to come down and now he thought he shouldn't have let Misha and Roberto go home five minutes ago because he sure as hell wasn't going up to call her.

Theora was ready but was hesitant to go downstairs. The shirt she had been wearing was definitely not hers and since Nicholas was the only other person living with her there it was probably his. What if he went off at her for wearing it she worried. Taking a deep breath and gathering the little courage she had Theora made her way downstairs.

Nicholas was checking his emails on his phone when he felt Theora's presence at the top of the stairs. Looking up at her the air was knocked out of his body. Theora looked angelic in her blue dress, Nicholas suddenly felt clammy and uncomfortable like a school boy infront of his crush. She looked better in my shirt he thought then the image of her in it popped up in his mind. Great just great he thought just what I needed. Frustrated he grabbed the keys to the car and went outside.

Theora who was too busy keeping the hem of the dress up so as not to trip it while walking down the stairs only looked up when she was at the bottom of the steps and Nicholas was grabbing the car keys to leave. She quickly followed him outside and when Nicholas sat down in the car without opening the car door for her Theora found herself in another predicament. Does she sit in the passenger seat or the back seat? Taking a chance she opened the passenger door and took a breath of relief when Nicholas didn't say anything.

Nicholas started up the car and fastened his seatbelt Theora reached for hers too but it seemed to be stuck as she tugged. Nicholas let out a frustrated sigh but reached out for it, his fingers brushed hers and both of them unknowingly looked at each other at the same time in surprise. Time seemed to slowdown as their gaze met entranced they both looked at each other with a need neither of them understood. Nicholas averted his gaze and with on swift tug pulled the seatbelt over Theora and fastened it he turned his attention back to the car and drove off acting like nothing happened. Theora felt like her breath was stuck in her throat and coughed slightly to make herself feel better.

The venue was only a fifteen minute drive away, the valet opened the door for Theora while Nicholas made his way round and handed him the keys. Theora thanked the valet and stood by the entrance. To her surprise Nicholas held out his arm to hold she stood there confused for a second before holding on to it and both went inside together.

People turned there heads to look at the handsome couple as they entered. They whispered amongst themselves talking about the new Markopoulos couple and how their wedding was the talk of the town a few months earlier.

A hostess showed Nicholas and Theora their place at the table, Nicholas had barely sat with her for a minute when someone called his name and Nicholas went up to talk to him. There were other people at the table too an elderly couple who were hard of hearing yet continued asking Theora questions which she had to repeat many times before they heard her properly and middle aged woman who couldn't seem to put her phone down with the constant calls that were coming. After a while when Theora scanned the room for Nicholas she found him in a lounge chair in the corner with a woman on each of his side talking to a few male friends who also had women companions with them.

Theora suddenly had a weird feeling engulf here she felt angry, alone and out of place all at the same time.

"You look pale dear are you well?" The elderly lady asked. Theora nodded not having the patience to scream yes so the woman could hear her. Theora excused herself to go to the bathroom not that anyone at the table heard her. Inside the bathroom she waited a while for the two ladies who were already there to leave before leaning on the counter and placing all her weight on it. Theora looked at herself her makeup was still fine but what did it matter her stupid husband was too busy with other women to notice. She angrily pulled at the paper towel roll ripping it in the process for no apparent reason. Theora couldn't lie to herself anymore the feeling she was feeling was jealousy and you only get jealous when you like someone.

Love Not Included (An Arrange Marriage Story) Where stories live. Discover now