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Theora went to her parents house for the day, Misha had been sick for the past couple of days and hadn't come in a while Nicholas was busy as he was soon going to named CEO in a ceremony some time next week. Carmen was at home taking care of the baby and resting so obviously she couldn't come as well but nonetheless Theora thought she could spend time with her parents and Yaiyai as she was missing them dearly.

"Theora have some more cake you've become as skinny as a twig" Yaiyai said. They had just had lunch and Mama served her homemade chocolate cake which she made especially for Theora as dessert.

"I've already had a slice Yaiyai and really after lunch I have no more room. The food was amazing Mama"

"Anything for my princess" Mama said gliding a hand over Theora's cheek.

"You look so frail dear" Yaiyai persisted "are you feeling alright?"

"I'm feeling just fine, Yaiyai"

"No nauseousness"


"No loss of appetite"


"You don't feel faint?"

"Yaiyai why are you asking me all these questions? I'm fine do I look like I'm feeling nauseous or weak"

"That's peculiar" Yaiyai said looking her up and down suspiciously "when's your period?"

"I'm on my fifth day today" Theora shrugged and did not expect the collective gasp her mother and Yaiyai made. Theora looked at both of them with a confused expression.

"You're not pregnant yet!" Yaiyai exclaimed "even after being married for a year!"

"Yaiyai it's only been seven months" Theora replied

"Call Dr. Stevens woman!" Yaiyai yelled at Mama.

"It's ringing" mama said holding her phone to her ear

"Dr. Stevens? Will someone please tell me what's going on?"

"Theora honey, don't worry Dr. Stevens has the best fertility clinic in the state we'll get a baby inside of you in no time" Yaiyai said reassuringly patting her knee. Theora's mouth fell open her mind unable to digest this madness. Dr. Stevens? Fertility clinic? Baby!!???

"We have to leave now, Dr. Stevens says he's only in town for today" Mama said after she hung up the phone

"Well then get moving" Yaiyai got up

"But Mama!"

"Not now Theora we can talk on the way" Mama said pulling her towards the car.

Once in the clinic, the three of them were sitting in the waiting area as Dr. Stevens was with another patient. Theora excused herself to go to the bathroom and immediately called Nicholas when she got there. Nicholas didn't pick up on the first ring so she dialled his number again which also went to voice mail. After muttering a few expletive in frustration, Theora dialled his office number.

"Hello Markopolous Inc. You've reached the personal line of Nicholas Markopolous" his secretary answered

"Hi I'm Theora Markopolous, can you please get Nicholas on the line"

"Sorry Mrs. Markopolous but Nicholas Sir is in a meeting"

"Its an emergency! Get him on the line NOW!!"

"I'll transfer the call you'll be on hold for a couple of seconds"

Like the secretary had said Theora was in hold for only ten to fifteen seconds but it felt like hours to her.

Love Not Included (An Arrange Marriage Story) Where stories live. Discover now