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Nicholas was discharged from the hospital two days later with the doctor advising him to rest for a week at home. Odelle decided to stay with Nicholas and Theora to help with taking care of Nicholas and being the loving mother that she is she didn't even let Nicholas lift a finger without her assistance which very soon started to annoy him.

"Mama I can feed myself, my left hand is still fully functional" he whined trying to take the fork away from her hand.

"Nicky I don't want you strain your only good hand" said Odelle  "Now open up"

"Mama it's Nicholas. You know I hate being called Nicky"

"You can grow into an old man but you'll always be my Nicky. Right, Theora"

"Of course, your mother is only looking out for your well being Nicky don't be so stubborn" Theora on the other hand was enjoying every minute of Odelle's stay.

Nicholas glared at her angrily before reluctantly opening his mouth to be spoon fed by his mother. Only for today he told himself the doctor had taken off the bandages this morning and from tomorrow he could go back to work with everything going back to normal.

"Your father will be here any minute" Odelle said looking down at her watch "are you sure you'll be fine without me. I could stay another day"

"No!" Nicholas replied a little louder than intended "No I mean I'm fine now Mama plus Father must have been lonely this entire week"

"Alright if you insist" Odelle said "Theora make sure to call me if he refuses to take his medication and make sure he cleans himself well for the office tomorrow. Hygiene has never been his strong point"


"I'll make a note of it" laughed Theora

"Odelle you ready!" Shouted Leon from the front door

"Atleast come inside to check on how is your son doing" Odelle shouted back.

"He's doing fine with you waiting on him hand and foot it's a surprise he hasn't turned back into a baby like Benjamin Button" Leon said coming into the kitchen.

"Hello father" smiled Nicholas who had never been this happy to see him ever.

"Nicholas" Leon replied patting his shoulder "Ah Theora my dear. Your mother in law didn't bother you during her stay did she"

"No not all, in fact I'd love it if we could steal her away from you for a bit more"

"Mama is needed at home Theora" Nicholas said gritting his teeth while still plastering a smile on.

"Alright I'm leaving, always throwing tantrums even as a grown man" Odelle cooed pinching Nicholas' cheek and then planting a kiss on the same cheek.

"Bye my dear" she hugged Theora before kissing her on the cheek as well. Theora and Nicholas waved from the driveway as Odelle and Leon drove off.

"Finally" Nicholas said taking a huge sigh of relief

"Come on Nicky you don't want to strain yourself" joked Theora going inside.

"New rule with me no calling me Nicky" Nicholas stomped inside

"Don't ever call me Theo and it's a deal" Theora said

"Done" Nicholas said sitting down on the kitchen table

"As you mention it, it could be a good idea for us to have some ground rules" Theora said

"Ground rules?"

"Yeah like rule number one is no nicknames, rule number two could be that we have to be civil with each other like no snapping at each other for no reason I think only then would we be able to move on and have an actual civilised conversation"

"Huh? You're right so no more fighting"


Nicholas got up and left the kitchen only to come back a few seconds later with a notepad and pen handing it to Theora.

"We should write the list down as in you I still can't write with this hand"

"The doctor said you could write with it"

"I don't want to strain it" he whined "your just wasting time so write down rule #1: no nicknames" he said Theora wrote it down but not before rolling her eyes at him "#2: always remain civil. Anything for #3?"

"Respect each other's boundaries" Theora added

"Why do I feel like this list is intended just for me?" inquiried Nicholas

"Well you're more than welcome to add to the list"

"#4 no more reckless drinking in the house" Nicholas said

"That was a one time thing!" Yelled Theora

"And the living room couches don't have cushions till this day because of it" countered Nicholas "and you also turned the tequila bottle into a vase as a reminder" pointing to Diego who had a bunch of roses sticking out of his head. It wasn't intended, Diego lay empty on the counter all this time when someone sent flowers for Nicholas after the accident Theora just plopped them into it.

"Diego is sober now and is living out his life as a vase there is no need to judge him" scolded Theora

"You even named him!"

"Rule #5: redecorating is Theora's territory as Nicholas has really bad taste"


"The couches were the most ugly couches I had ever seen you should be thanking Diego and me"

"Fine. You redecorate the entire house if I care but don't mess with or throw away my old stuff"

"So rule #6: no throwing away Nicholas' stuff without conferring with him first"

"I meant don't throw away my stuff period"

"Rule #7!"

"I wasn't done with Rule #6!"

"Both parties will take equal blame once the separation occurs" Theora said outloud also writing it down.


"Yeah it has to happen sometime"

"It doesn't have to"

"What do you mean?"

"Theora couldn't we give this marriage thing another shot like start from the beginning"

"I don't think I can trust you after all that happened" Theora admitted after an awkward silence.

"I know I screwed up in the past but can't we fix things" pleaded Nicholas.

"Nicholas life doesn't have an erase button things don't work like that"

"But there are second chances. Will you be willing to give me a second chance because Theora I like you. I like you a lot" Nicholas admitted. The room fell silent again Theora not knowing what say after this.

"I can't just give you an answer right now Nicholas" she finally said.

"You don't have to think about it take all the time you need. If you still feel that this marriage won't work then I won't stop you"

Theora nodded not knowing what else to say.

"You should take your medication" Theora said trying to change the subject. She got up to get his medication from their bedroom.

"What do you think about all this, Diego?" Nicholas asked the motionless object "You think I should go for it" he answered like they were having an actual conversation "I knew you would say that"

Theora returned giving Nicholas a quizzical look.

"Just me and Diego having a little man to man" shrugged Nicholas

Theora just shook her head letting it pass and handing Nicholas his medication.

Theora had a lot of thinking to do could she trust Nicholas even after all he put her through. Since their marriage Nicholas has hurt her every step of the way should she give him another chance only to be hurt all over again?

Love Not Included (An Arrange Marriage Story) Where stories live. Discover now