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"What's the reason for your indifference towards Nicholas?" Yaiyai asking her eyes boring into Theora's for an answer. Theora was taken aback for a minute feeling like she had been caught red handed for a crime.

"I don't know what your talking about" Theora could feel the back of her neck heating up

"You know exactly what I'm talking about Theora" Yaiyai stated "you have a caring husband who waits on you hand and foot, he has all the world's luxuries provided for you then why my dear do you act so frigid towards him?"

"Yaiyai I think your seeing too much into things. Nicholas and I are fine" Theora said

"Your Yaiyai isn't stupid Theora. If you wish to not tell me fine but I will tell you this much change your attitude immediately before Nicholas gets tired of it and it creates a strain in your relationship" warned Yaiyai. What relationship thought Theora.

"Am I understood?"

"Yes Yaiyai"

Nicholas was busy signing the last file on his desk when his secretary, Connie, came into his office.

"Sir a woman called a few minutes ago said she was your wife's grandmother" Connie said

"Yaiyai? Why didn't you put her through then?" Nicholas said sternly

"She didn't ask to be put through she just told me to inform you to come home by six"

Nicholas looked at the time it was a quarter to five he had to leave now if he wanted to reach home on time.

"Fine, cancel the five thirty meeting and reschedule it for tomorrow. I've also finished looking through all the files and signed them all please process them today" he ordered getting up from his desk.

"I'll get to processing them immediately" nodded Connie as Nicholas left the office.

Back home, Theora had been ordered by Yaiyai to wear a presentable dress and get ready. What for Theora had no clue but at the time all she could do was silently obey Yaiyai's orders unless she wanted the truth about her and Nicholas' relationship to come out.

Theora settled on wearing a black dress thinking no one could go wrong with a little black dress. She matched them with black pumps and wore a moon shaped diamond pendant with matching earring while going for a more natural look for makeup with a light brown smoky eyes with winged eyeliner and a brownish pink lipstick.

Nicholas had arrived a little earlier than expected and was immediately greeted by Yaiyai.

"Ah you got my message. I was afraid that secretary hadn't told you she didn't seem like the sharpest tool in the shed from what I gathered from our conversation"

"No she informed me Yaiyai" said Nicholas "Is everything okay?"

"Everything is better than fine I just thought the three of us could go out for dinner. I've already reserved a table at this fancy French restaurant. I keep forgetting the name Chez something"

"Chez Mon Ami?"

"Yes that's it. Now go up get ready Theora must be dressed and ready by now. She went up to get ready an hour ago"

Theora was standing by the vanity when Nicholas entered the room. As she turned her head towards him, Nicholas felt all the oxygen in his body leave at once. Only an idiot like me would push away such a perfect woman he thought.

"Yaiyai must've told you about the restaurant" Theora said turning her attention back towards the mirror.

"Yeah she mentioned it" Nicholas replied "I'll be ready in ten minutes"

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