Epilogue Part III

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One month later...

"Nicholas... wake up" Theora shook Nicholas as he slept peacefully.

"Uh what is it Theora? Do you need ice cream or something?" He asked sleepily rubbing his eyes

"I think it's time" Theora answered biting her lip nervously

"Time? Time for what?" Nicholas asked still in a sleepy haze when it suddenly hit him jolting him awake. "THE BABY! It's time!"

Nicholas looked around confused as what to do a million things ran through his mind at that moment and he didn't know where to begin.

"Are you in pain? Im an idiot of course you're in pain.. ok calm down deep breaths Theora" Nicholas said short of breath himself "I have to get the bag with the baby's things and I have to call everyone and the doctor too but who so I call first?"

"Nicholas calm down" Theora said grabbing his face with both hands "for now just grab the bag, call the doctor and get me to the hospital we'll worry about that... later" she paused feeling a contraction grabbing her back. The pain was getting more and more intense each time.

"The bag! We're leaving now" Nicholas yelled his nerves running out of control. By some miracle, they managed to reach the hospital safely Nicholas even said a silent prayer. The doctor was already on call tending to another patient so the nurse immediately placed Theora in a room to monitor her contractions while Nicholas called his parents, in-laws and Carmen.

"I just talked with everyone they're on their way" Nicholas told Theora grabbing her hand and placing a quick kiss on it.

"I feel another one coming" Theora squeezed Nicholas' hand tightly as the contraction intensified.

"A bit more honey the worst is soon to be over" he assured her looking at the monitor

"Oh god!" Theora said as a weird popping sound was heard

"What happened?"

"I think my water just broke" said Theora and soon all the blood seemed to drain from Nicholas' face.

"NURSE!" Nicholas screamed running out of the room to find a nurse or doctor.

"God lord! Why are you screaming child?" An elderly nurse ran up to him.

"Her water broke" he explained motioning towards the room Theora was in.

"Hello dear, I'm Candace" the nurse smiled to Theora "let's have a look here"

Placing a glove on her hand she inspected Theora and she saw immediately that she was close to having the baby.

"Alright we'll be taking you to the labor room I'll just call someone to wheel you in" Candace told them

"What! Now! But Mama and Carmen aren't here?" Theora shouted. Her calm demeanor flew out the window and panic set in she needed her mother and sister's moral support. She couldn't do this without them.

"We can't wait any longer dear" Candace said "I'll be right back okay. I have to inform the doctor and then we'll take you to the labor room" and with that she left.

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