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Theora carefully held her phone above Nicholas as he slept snoring like a jack hammer. She quietly recorded him but Nicholas turned to his side bumping into the phone causing it to fly off from Theora's hand across the room.

"My phone!" Theora screamed

"What! What happened!" Nicholas jumped up sleepily.

"I swear if it's cracked" Theora growled but took a sigh of relief seeing that it was unharmed.

"Aha! Here's the proof. You. Nicholas. Markopolous. Snore!" Theora handed him the phone as the video of him snoring played on it.

"Huh? What ya know" Nicholas muttered before throwing Theora back her phone and collapsing back into the bed snoring again a few seconds later.

"Unbelievable" Theora muttered getting up to go to the bathroom. She took a shower and changed into a pair of shorts and a loose tshirt. When she came back Nicholas was still sleeping snoring happily away.

"Wake up! Nicholas!" She shook him again

"Theora let me sleep" Nicholas said taking her pillow and covering his face with it.

"It's past ten and we have to go to Lanzarote. Get up!" Theora tried pulling his arm to wake him up but Nicholas yanked back his arm causing Theora to fall on top of him.

"This isn't how foreplay works Theora" joked Nicholas removing the pillow between them. Theora just rolled her eyes and got off him.

"Get up or I'm going without you" she said going downstairs.

"I'll be down in five minutes!" Nicholas called after her.

Nicholas and Theora only planned to spend the day in Lanzarote there were seven flights everyday between Tenerife and Lanzarote that they could easily be back home in the evening. Lanzarote had really beautiful beaches and Nicholas planned to spend some time at the beach then take her on a volcano tour that he had booked for them.

Theora changed into a bikini and tied a sarong around her waist in the changing station at the beach. The bikini was a simple black one with a top that could go away with being a tank top on its own it had a criss cross design underneath the bra portion of the top and in the back.

 The bikini was a simple black one with a top that could go away with being a tank top on its own it had a criss cross design underneath the bra portion of the top and in the back

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As she made her way out Theora found Nicholas to be nowhere in sight. She was going to search for him when her phone started buzzing it was her Mama.


"Guys thank you so much" Theora said "wish I was there with you all"

"Don't worry honey we'll celebrate your birthday once you come back" her mama said

"Having a good time there Theora?" Papa Asked

"I am yesterday we went snorkelling and today we flew down to Lanzarote"

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