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Theora checked the dinner table over and over again changing the position of the plates seeing if the forks and knives were straight making sure everything was perfect but it still didn't feel right or maybe what was happening wasn't right. Theora shook the feeling and went over to the the TV room to call Yaiyai and Nicholas before the food got cold.

"Umm.. dinner is ready" she said nervously fiddling with her hands.

"Great!" Nicholas said a little too enthusiastically jumping up before realising his haste "Yaiyai why don't you go first"

This time Yaiyai didn't even bother to reply with a grunt just getting up and walking towards the dining room with a frown. She did make sure to turn her head from Theora dramatically as she passed her, Theora slumped into the door frame thinking how will she manage to survive a minute more with Yaiyai acting like this.

"It'll be alright just talk to her and say you're sorry" Nicholas suggested giving her a wary look.

"You don't know Yaiyai like I do she's going to milk this as far as she can" Theora said not having the energy to tell him off. "Let's just get dinner over with and I'll deal with her tomorrow"

Both entered the dining room together. Yaiyai had already taken her seat besides the head of the table leaving that vacant for Nicholas. Theora took the seat opposite to Yaiyai's and besides Nicholas.

"Yaiyai I made your favourite Moussaka myself today please have some and tell me how it is" Theora said grabbing the dish and placing a large serving on Yaiyai's plate.

"It sure does smell delicious. Doesn't it Yaiyai?" asked Nicholas in a cheery voice as Theora placed a serving on his plate.

"Nicholas dear can you please pass me the Fasolatha that maid made what's her name... ah Malia made" Yaiyai said pushing away the plate with Moussaka and asking for the white bean soup Misha had made.

"Yaiyai but you love Moussaka" Theora interjected

"People change" Yaiyai shrugged

"Yaiyai please stop this" pleaded Theora "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have gotten angry and it won't happen again please"

"You're a grown adult do as you wish" Yaiyai said taking a spoonful of the Fasoltha.

This wasn't going to be easy Theora thought.

After dinner, Yaiyai went straight to bed. Theora cleared the table and started to clean up in the kitchen. After a while Nicholas came in to get some water.

"Need any help?" Nicholas asked as Theora loaded the dishes into the dishwasher.


"I was wondering what if tomorrow I stayed back from work and we could take Yaiyai out somewhere. Maybe we could get her into a better mood and she'd finally forgive you" Nicholas suggested

"There's no need" Theora quickly shut the idea down


"Nicholas I can handle Yaiyai myself there's no need for your help" Theora snapped before walking away from him to exit the kitchen. Theora stopped midway seeing Yaiyai standing in the doorway.

"Yaiyai?" Theora gasped

"Did you need anything?" Theora asked after somewhat composing herself.

"A bottle of mineral water" Yaiyai said

"I'll get it" Nicholas said running to the fridge and grabbing Yaiyai a bottle handing it to her. Yaiyai gave Theora a stern look before turning around to go back into her room.

"You think she heard anything?" Nicholas whispered

"She heard everything" there was no denying it Theora knew that look all to well. She needed this day to be over immediately.

"I'm heading to bed" she said sighing in defeat going upstairs to her bedroom.

Theora was already dressed in her pajamas when Nicholas also came up.

"You okay with me sleeping in the same bed I could sleep on the floor or I could try that tiny sofa by the window" Nicholas said

"And what will I tell Yaiyai if she comes upstairs suddenly that Nicholas likes to sleep on the floor and it's not because we can't stand each other" Theora retorted as she fluffed her pillow. Nicholas didn't show it but her remark was like a jab at his chest.

"Just stick to your side" Theora said laying down.

Exhaustion finally caught up with Nicholas he quickly changed into a shirt and sweatpants in the bathroom before laying down on the bed next to Theora. Sleep evaded him at first thinking of the girl who laid next to him but once he heard the steady rhythm of Theora's breathing he too drifted into sleep.

When Nicholas awoke in the morning Theora wasn't in bed. In fact she had gotten up at seven sharp to prepare breakfast for Yaiyai. She wanted to surprise her and finally make the old woman forgive her. Misha had also arrived early to help and by the time Yaiyai woke up at eight breakfast was already on the kitchen table ready to eat.

"Misty bring me some coffee" Yaiyai told Misha sitting down at the table

"Sure Madam"

"Yaiyai I've also made some freshly squeezed orange juice"

"I can get whatever I want. Thank you Theora"

"Yaiyai how long will this go on for? I'm sorry Yaiyai" Theora pouted "Yaiyai I woke up early so I could have breakfast with you but if you refuse to forgive me and remain like this I won't have breakfast at all. I'll starve myself to death.."

"Praise the lord young lady" Yaiyai admonished "don't be throwing such words around so easily"

"So forgive me already" Theora whined like a child "I'm really hungry"

"Alright" Yaiyai relented to which Theora squealed hugging her grandmother tightly "BUT do anything like that again and I'm never speaking to again"

"Never again" Theora kissed Yaiyai's cheek.

"I guess everything is good between you two again" Nicholas said coming into the kitchen dressed ready to go to work.

"Hush there was nothing wrong to begin with" Yaiyai said "come join us son"

Nicholas scanned the table trying to decide what to eat finally settling on some scrambled eggs with bacon and a glass of OJ.

"Theora serve your husband! He's serving himself what if he gets his sleeves dirty he has to go to work" Yaiyai scolded as Nicholas placed a spoonful of eggs into his plate.

"It's fine Yaiyai I think I can put some scrambled eggs on to my plate without creating a catastrophe" laughed Nicholas

Regardless Theora got up to serve Nicholas placing the bacon on his plate and then pouring him a glass of orange juice. As Theora put the glass down next to him Nicholas reached out to grab it and their fingers brushed slightly. Theora flinched backing her fingers away it wasn't overly obvious but it wasn't completely subtle either and like Theora said Yaiyai never missed anything. Nicholas coughed uncomfortably before taking a huge gulp from his orange juice and Theora wordlessly went back to her place to continue eating her breakfast.

Yaiyai went into the library after breakfast and Nicholas had left for work. Theora joined her after a while bringing Yaiyai a cup of tea.

"What is it Theora?" Asked Yaiyai out of the blue

"What's what Yaiyai?"

"What's the reason for your indifference towards Nicholas?"

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