Daniel Johns

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You waited up for hours as you knew that Daniel would be home soon. Time went by and still no show of him, your eyes looked to the clock 12:40am. You got up and made your way to bed, trying to fall asleep but also wanting to stay awake to see him back home, but your mind had different plans, you fell asleep in moments.

The jingle of keys was heard echoing throughout the silent apartment, Daniel had just arrived back home and was barely awake upon stepping inside and making it into bed. This stirred you from your sleep slightly, the feeling of Dan's body hitting the bed and the warmth of his body against yours, making you go back to sleep with ease now.

*Time skip*
Sunlight slipped through the thin curtains, catching your eyes as it shines in, waking you from your sleep a little abruptly but not enough to wake Daniel, all to your benefit.
Today was the day you were going to collect the puppy from a local shelter, she had caught your eye two weeks ago and you fell in love with the black furred animal as you had spent 3 months on your own.
Non the less you were excited to pick her up and bring her home.
Getting out of bed best you can without waking him you got ready and started to prepare to go to the shelter, it was only a 20 minute walk there, so driving wasn't an option.

You made it to the shelters front desk, and walked up with a smile "good morning, I've come to collect a puppy" you said " what's your name love ?" The man asked "l/n, y/n." It took a moment or two for the gentleman to look through the book, "oh yes. Kirsty, would you be so kind to take this lady to the adopted section please ?" He asked a girl around your age maybe older "certainly, this way please" she smiled and started walking off with you walking next to her, we got to the part of the shelter which had the kennels with signs saying 'adopted' in bold. "What's your last name again miss ?" "l/n" she walked off through a door for around 10 minutes until it opened again but this time she was being pulled by a small black puppy on a green leash.
The dog was filled with ecstasy as she started jumping up and making noises that showed her happiness "have you got everything you need ?" The girl asked fussing the dog while you ran through the list of things you've gotten, "I think it's just food." You thanked the girl and walked away to find the food needed and payed once you had found it..well food and a teddy bear.
Now to walk back and hope that Dan is still asleep.

The walk back was quicker then the journey there, the first time you didn't have a lively pup pulling your arm forward "hey, hey steady down" you giggled at the dog as she dragged you up the apartment stairwell. You managed to steady her down before getting to the door and making a lot of noise. You unlocked the door and thankfully Daniel was nowhere in sight  "come here girl, let me show you around your new home" you took a few steps away and she still stayed sitting "come on" you bent down slightly patting your knees, her head twisting side to side yet still no movement. "You want to play on the fluffy rug ?" This earned a reaction.

Daniel's pov:
I'd woken up to the sunlight shining brightly into my face, I turned to look at the clock, it was mid to late afternoon. I turned to find that the space next to me was cold, I didn't think much of it until I noticed that the place seemed quieter than usual.
I got out of bed and made my way into the kitchen "y/n love, you here ?" I called out and no response then I heard what I though was an animal yelp from inside the living room..we had no pets.
This was becoming a little strange, so I went to the living room to find that y/n was sitting on the sofa reading "didn't you hear me calling you babe ?" I questioned, she smiled back "sorry about that Dan, guess I got carried away" she got up and made her way toward me embracing me in a well needed hug.
Out of nowhere she just whistled " you alright ?" I laughed a little, I didn't get a response until I heard the scattering of claws against the wooden flooring. Turning and looking down I saw a small black puppy at our feet, happiness evident on its face as it's tail was wagging "y/n..whose this ?" Referring happily to the animal which is now flicking it's head side to side "well she doesn't have a name yet, she is our company when we're home alone. I though you could name her" i looked back to y/n and kissed her "thank you so much, she's adorable. For her, I think Sweep works as a name" "Sweep, suits her" y/n said smiling.

Third person pov:
Daniel and you spent the rest of the day talking about the events that happened and how shows went within the 3 months of being apart and trying to training Sweep.
Cliché as it is, you've actually become happier now having Sweep in your lives now, bringing both yours and Dan's relationship closer.

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