Daniel Johns

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You and Daniel had been planning this holiday for a month now and you had final made plans to go and spend some time away.

"Daniel have you seen my dress ?" You asked him while throwing out your wardrobe "try the draw" he shouted back to you as you searched through the draw and found the dress "thank you babe" replying happily.
You both finished packing that day and were getting ready to leave early tomorrow morning, you ran though the list of all the things needed doing "y/n you're worrying too much" Daniel said as he turned over in bed to face you "you know I worry" smiling at him and eventually getting to sleep.
Waking up the next morning was a rush, an hour later you were on your way to get the flight to Hawaii.

"Do you have the tickets ?" You questioned Daniel before you went to show your tickets to board the plane, he handed you the tickets and you both got on and in no time, the long journey to Hawaii began. "I'm so excited for this trip !" You exclaimed smiling "earth to Daniel" he turned to look at you "what are you writing ?" "A list of places to go to" he said handing you the list "a lot to do then" you said and looked back out the window.
The long hours you were in the air and arrived in Hawaii at sun rise, meaning you both had the day to familiarise the surroundings.

Moments after getting off the plane, Daniel and you walked into the small town, your eyes darted around the small lane, the multicoloured houses catching your attention "this place is amazing babe" admiring the quirky scenery around you, he smiled at you and continued to walk to the edge of town.
The smell of the ocean started to become stronger, wave crashes were louder and the sea horizon became visible, looking down, the sand was a pale soft cloud colour, the ocean water clear and shallow "oh my god" you breathed out "this place is so beautiful" you said to Daniel lightly taking in the view of the vast sea. "This is only part of the beach love" he spoke looking around the beach below, "there's a lot to see." Venturing around more, you had found yourself in a 50s cafe "thank you for this trip" you said leaning over to kiss Daniel.
The detour had turned into hours long conversations and planning for the holiday "what time was the hotel room open to us ?" Daniel asked "2 o'clock, why ?" He laughed "its 5 now" upon hearing that you didn't believe it "no it's not, we haven't been in here that long" you said in disbelief. Paying and leaving the cafe you opened the door to a darkened sky and dim stars "we best get to the hotel" you said as you walked to the place.

Getting into the room, unpacking and settling in was done within the hour, after that it was just relaxing in the cool room.
"How about we sneak around the halls" you spoke mischievously with a look in your eyes, he caught onto your look and started walking to the door waiting for you to follow. Daniel had found an open door with a sign saying "no entry" he peeked through the small gap and saw it was a whole new room, you pushed the door wider and saw it was the Grande room as you were about to enter it, someone walked round and yelled at you both, you started running away from the staff and back to your room.
Starting the fits of breathless giggles, you got Daniel laughing too at how childish you both were being. Calming down you sat on the bed and started to talk about this evening.
"So what we doing tonight then ?" You asked waiting for his reply "could go to the beach" he suggested "I like that idea" getting off the sofa and getting changed, you then headed out to the sea front.

There wasn't a single person on the shore for miles "this is what's needed" Daniel spoke as you walked on the oceans edge, you hummed in response then got an idea.
You got down low and cupped water in your hands, throwing it at Daniel "what the.. !" He shouted and saw you laughing, he walked over and splashed you, leaving you soaked "your on" kicking water toward Daniel, making him as covered as you were.
The splashing war continued until he picked you up over his shoulder and dropped you in the water "oh my.." gasping at the cool water, you pulled him down with you, both of you drenched in ocean waves. Still in the sea, you rolled on your side and kissed Dan "this is perfect" "it is" he smiled kissing you back, getting carried away you pulled Daniel closer to you and intensified the kiss by biting his bottom lip, but was interrupted by a wave crashing over you.
The moment you stepped through the door, Daniel had pushed you against it, kissing you roughly, you kissed back with the same force. He moved his hands from your waist to underneath you thighs, picking you up and wrapping your legs around his hips, continuing the kiss he walks to the bedroom, throwing you onto the bed you giggled as you landed "I love you" Daniel laid next to you and entangled his hand with yours "I love you too y/n" he spoke looking at you with adoration.
Checking the time it was nearing midnight "it's getting pretty late" you said and got up off the bed, kissing Dan, he shortly joined you in bed, you wrapped your arms around his waist as you laid next you him with your head on his chest "it's so peaceful here" you spoke quietly "that's because we're both free from home" he laughed a little, you both started to fall asleep, still cuddling one another making it easy to fall into slumber.

The next morning you were awoken by the bright sun beaming through the thin curtains, Dan was still asleep. Carefully getting out of bed you made your way to the balcony, overlooking the ocean front and the island in the distance. "Good morning babe" Daniel's tired voice said softly while wrapping his arms around your waist, you smiled "good morning, isn't the view lovely" Dan hummed in agreement and kissed your cheek, both admiring the slow rising sun from the horizon and the vibrant colours it made.
"So what's today's plan ?" Questioning him, his arms tightening around you waist pulling you closer, "well nothing this morning..but I'm sure we could do something" Daniel smirked, you'd got what he was implying and made your way back indoors.

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