Ben Gillies

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You had been away on a business trip for a few months, and had come back early but all didn't go to plan.

You were on the plane ready to land at any moment, the airport was insight which made you excited. You haven't seen Ben for over three months and you couldn't be happier to see him again.
10 minuets later you found yourself outside of the airport waiting for a taxi to pick you up, one stopped and helped put your bags into the back "where to miss ?" The cab driver said with a smile "Newcastle beachfront please" with that the journey back home begun. It has been 20 minuets into the journey when you stopped at a set of traffic lights, the lights had gone green and made your way across the junction, things went black in seconds.

You heard the loud noise of sirens screaming near by, then the blurred vision of red and blue flashes became visible "miss, miss. Stay with me" a males voice spoke you then felt your whole body move cause you to feel the pain making you fully awake "what happened ? Where I am ?" You started to panic and move..but you couldn't. All you saw was blood, cuts and bruises covering your whole body. "Mam we need you to calm down, you've been in a serious accident" you rested your head on the road letting the doctors help, everything then went black again.
The doctors lifted you onto a bed into the ambulance ready to take you to the hospital as soon as possible. "Where's y/n, how is she ?!" Ben had ran past anything that he shouldn't go past, "sir you can't be back here" "where's y/n ?" "Sir they're both fine, now please step back while we take her to a hospital" the doctor said as she closed the doors.

Ben went to the hospital and waited until he was able to see y/n again.
He sat there for hours thinking and worrying, then remembered what the doctor had said "they're both fine" he was confused what she meant by it, but he was more focus on you at the moment.

Hours passed and still no news "Ben Gillies ?" A woman in blue scrubs called out, he got up and went over "is she okay ?" "She's fine, we had to take her into surgery as she suffered a collapsed lung. Don't worry she's in recovery and will live. The nurse smiled and took him into a ward, "is she awake" Ben asked, "she isn't at the moment but will in a few hours." The nurse left, leaving Ben to sit beside the bed, looking at your tattered state.

He stayed by the bedside for hours until he heard you stir and trying to talk "y/n" Ben said quietly, you eyes fluttered open, blinded by a light but then focused and saw Bens worried yet happy face "Ben..where am I ?" You whispered "babe you're in the hospital, you were in a car crash" he stuttered out "nothing can take me out" you laughed softly, making him smile at you.
You both talked for the rest of the day about what had gone on in the months that you were away, "we're almost done with the album, but Dan wants to change a few things before we release it" he said happily "so how was the UK ?" You tried thinking back to it all but you couldn't remember much "I remember one night, I was looking out of the hotel window and saw the city just light up, Big Ben, the Houses of Parliament and the London eye. It was beautiful." Ben could see how your eyes showed adoration, he held your hand smiling up at you, leaning up for a kiss.

Short while later a nurse came in to check how you were doing "how're you today y/n ?" "I've been better but good" she left and came back with what looked like an ultrasound, Ben was confused the least to say, you knew but didn't want to Ben to know like this..but now you had no choice. "Right let's see how're your stomach is" she moved the scanner round your still growing belly "don't tell me tha.." Ben cut himself off to see if it was true or not, the monitor shows that he was correct.
A blurry picture of a small body showed up on the screen "I was going surprise you with the news babe, I'm 5 months" you said still holding onto Bens hand. "I'm..I'm going to be a dad !" He was ecstatic, he kissed you gently and watched as the nurse moved the scanner showing the developing baby "I love you so much y/n. We're going to be parents !" He said happily "I'll get a photo printed for you both to take home" the nurse said as she cleaned the gel from your belly and walked out only to come back shortly with a printed scan of the baby.

You were in the hospital for the next two weeks, the nurses and doctors looking after you until you were able to walk out. Ben had come to pick you up and made sure that you were well looked after for the weeks that you've been put on rest "is pumpkin soup for dinner okay" Ben said from the kitchen, you stomach rumbled at the thought of pumpkin soup. Dinner was ready and you both sat down and watched a film together, cuddling and eventually falling asleep.

The weeks turned into mouths and the months made you grow bigger and bigger until you were woken up to a sharp pain in your lower stomach and wet sheets "Ben. Wake up..the baby" you accidentally yelled out in pain, startling him from his sleep, he looked up with horror then started to get ready for the hospital.
Doctors rush to you into the ward "y/n we need you to push" you pushed the best your could, the pain was unbearable "once more y/n, one last time. You can do it" a midwife said as she wiped the sweat from your face. You pushed one last time and heard the cries of your baby, you were exhausted and looked up to the nurse, she took the baby away for a short while, bringing them back in the room wrapped in a pink blanket "she's beautiful" you said with tears of happiness.

Ben walked in seeing the two of you together "what are we going to name her ?" Ben thought about your question and came up with her name "Daisy Jane Gillies" he smiled "that's a perfect name for her."
Daisy had slept the whole day so far and didn't seem to be waking up any time soon from her sleep, your were right she slept the whole day and night.
Ben had gone back to the studio the next day and had left you with Daisy, it was around lunch time that you drive to the studio to see Ben, Chris and Daniel "hey y/n congratulations" Dan and Chris said "aww thank you boys", "theres the new dad" Chris said pointing to Ben in the studio, he saw you and Daisy, looking happy as ever "I've never seen him so happy before, which I think is a great" Daniel said, returning back to the recording studio.

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