Chris Joannou

404 10 14

A/N: Got a bit carried away with writing this imagine..whoops

It was early morning, and you had to get up and go to your job, luckily your aunt who ran the store had already opened it, so you decided to turn up early as you liked your job. You worked in a guitar and music store at the weekends; the place had great music, guitars and it was good pay..what more could a 17 year old ask for?

"Morning Aunt Darcey" you cheerily said as you walked in the shop and went into the back room to drop off your bag and start getting ready for the day ahead. "What needs doing, because we had new stock yesterday" you questioned while standing looking at the stack of records and fragile boxes containing all different guitars, "the vinyls need restocking in section B as they're low. Sections A, C and F need rearranging as their out of order. Lastly the tuning of the new guitars and basses as well as your usual help around shop" she replies as her back is turned trying to start the music playing.
"Not much then" you said, going over everything she had told you previously. So you started getting to work by reordering the vinyls, the rock and alternative sections always come out worse than others, as its grown popular this year.

"Y/n, I'm off to lunch now. Will you be okay running for an hour or two ?" Darcey said while behind the desk ready to leave "yeah I can look after it" you smiled and went back to work on the records.
Around 15 minutes later the bell over the door chimes catching your attention, you looked over the tall stands and saw a boy around your age maybe older, looking around at all the bass guitars. From first glance you thought you'd seen him somewhere but it wasn't registering.

"Hello" you greeted the boy getting up off the floor "anything you're after in particular ?" You added, the boy hummed in response and continued to look around "I'm looking for a bass guitar, possible in white" he turned to look at you, then it hit you, it was Chris Joannou from Silverchair.
You kept yourself calm while assisting him. "I think that's one of our new orders, I'll go check" and headed towards the back room, rummaging around for 5 minutes you found a white bass "sorry for the wait, is this what you had in mind ?" "Yeah that look awesome !" Chris exclaimed smiling at the bass "do you want to try it out ?" You suggested to him "I'd love to thanks" "great! Let me just tune it" you smiled back and began to set it up "you play ?" Chris approached, you shook your head "I don't, but I've always wanted to, never found anyone to teach me." Replying to his question with your head looking down.

"I could possibly teach you if you want ?" This made your face go red a little but you couldn't let it show, so you lifted your head to look at him happily "yeah that'll be cool thank you" you smiled and finished tuning the bass.
Chris stepped toward you and positioned your hands and fingers to play the first chord "what song are you teaching me ?" "Madman, it's an easy start" he beamed "okay now strum" Chris instructed and you did so "now place your fingers here and here, then strum."

This went on for an hour or so, with small breaks in between, talking and getting to know each other.
After Chris's teaching you had become fluent in playing the bass for the song Chris had taught you to play. A single song and play it without breaks in finger changes within an hour you were proud of yourself for being a fast learner "you did awesome.." he paused "oh, yeah I didn't introduce myself, I'm y/n" , " y/n, nice name. I'm Chris, but I guess you already knew " he laughed, glancing at your slightly shocked face "I did yes and I'm not going to tell anyone you were here" you answered "would help a lot if you didn't but hey it's always great to meet a chilled fan."

There was a short silence between you both but it was broken by Chris clearing his throat "If you want..I could come back next weekend and teach you more ?" He asked you, your heart skipped a beat "I'd like that very much."
The moment was interrupted by the bell chiming. " I'm back from lunch y/n. Oh you're there, how was the store sweetie ?" Her smile said all it needed to about what she though was going on "it was very quite not many people at all aunt" reporting back to her the amount of customers "so Chris, what do you think of the bass ?" Darcey spoke "it's great, good sound and everything. Wait you know who I am" "Chris it's not hard to recognise you, plus y/n there, always puts your band on in the evening" she joked "okay okay thank you aunt" embarrassment evident in your voice. "So how much for the bass ?" Chris queried "well since you seem to be getting on with and teaching my niece so it's only $245, and not $320." "And yes I'm sure about giving it to you for that price" your aunt smirked at Chris. "I'll see you next week then y/n" he smiled and walked out the shop.
"You're telling me everything missy" was all your aunt said.

Chris came back every weekend for 4 weeks, spending hours teaching you different songs on bass.
"Hey y/n, before I go can I ask you something?" Your heart and mind began racing "yeah sure" apprehension filled your body "I was wondering if you'd go in a date with me, nothing grande just going to the cinema" smiling like an idiot you said yes and asked when, to which he said it was tonight at 9pm.
Excitement made the bold move of kissing his cheek before he left the store.
9pm had come and you walked up to the cinema entrance seeing Chris standing there with two tickets in his hand "good evening" you happily said while hugging "good evening. I've got us our tickets. It was horror you liked right ?" "It was yes, what are we seeing ?" Looping your arm through his walking into the screening room "we're watching Scream 2."

Throughout the film you were both quietly joking, the room was empty almost, it was you two and three other people. By the end of the film you and Chris were both still sat in your seats talking about the whole film and the ending "it was so predictable, how couldn't you see it !" You exclaimed "I thought he killed them both alright" laughing at how fake "mad" you are "I swear if they're making a third they better not make it predictable" you huffed playfully.
"Shall we leave cause I think by the time we get home it'll be around 12am ?" Chris spoke up "you're right, plus we're both working tomorrow."
You both left the building and stopped outside to say goodbye, "thank you for an amazing night Chris. I really enjoyed it" you spoke looking at him, "you're welcome, it was an awesome night I agree" he smiled, "best be off then." Just as you finished your sentence he had tilted his head down to kiss you for a second "sorry if that was too much, I understa.." cutting him off by returning the kiss this time lasting longer. "Another date it is then I guess" and with that you said your goodbyes and started walking home with excitement butterflies in your stomach. There wasn't a moment where you stopped smiling.

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