Daniel Johns *Requested*

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A/N: sorry that this is late, hope you like it!
Daniel's pov
We were on tour and had finished setting up for the day, so we all decided to go look around.
Walking a little bit out of the town we found a small village that was mostly made up of cafés and houses with few shops, "hey Ben, Dan. You guys hungry ?" Chris asked "yeah I could eat" I said and Ben just nodded his head.
Looking at the different places we found one as we peered in through the window of the cafe, as I did, I saw this beautiful girl waitressing in there "I think we should go in there" I spoke quickly "but Dan there was a nicer place just down the road from here" both Chris and Ben tried at argue but I had walked in, a sudden spark of confidence I guess.

We all say down at a table near the window which looked out at the whole city we were playing in, but my eyes crossed between the view and this girl, I hoped for the few minutes we've been waiting that we were going to be served by her "hello, what would you boys like ?" A sudden voice said, I turned my head and saw that my wishing had come true, she was beautiful.
"I'll have a coffee and toast" Chris said "um..scrambled eggs please. Dan?" Ben said "huh ? Oh I'll have um..the" I paused, to shy to talk, god dammit Daniel "would you like more time to think ?" "I think he does yes thank you" Ben said, she smiled and walked off. "What was that all about dude" Chris questioned "I just wasn't thinking" my eyes still looking at her as she waiting the table in front, both the boys turned to see what I was looking at and saw it was the waitress "are you.." Ben said smiling "dude Dan's checking out the waitress" "am not" I got defensive "okay, okay we believe you" they both said.

A short while later she came back with Ben's and Chris's orders "so you ready to order now ?" "I'll think he'll have you to go on a date with him" Ben joked, I looked at him as to say 'really' but I kept quiet, she giggled at what he said "I'll have the pancakes please" i smiles "sugar or no sugar ?" "I think you're sweet enough for him" this time Chris had joined in too "alright boys" she giggled "pancakes coming up" she winked before leaving.

My head went crazy with confidence and fear at the same time.
"Here you go sir, pancakes, extra sweet" she walked off and had our breakfast. The morning we were there, Ben and Chris were commenting on how I have a crush on the waitress mixed with all three of us messing around.

"Excuse me miss" Chris called her over "I'm y/n, just though I'd throw that in there" she smiled "y/n, which do you like best? those pancakes or that pancake" he pointed towards both me and my food, I rolled my eyes but couldn't help but blush and smile "did you call Dan a pancake" Ben showed confusion, making us all laugh at the question "well..I like all types of sweet pancakes so you're friend there is fine" y/n response made me blush harder and it was noticeable "aww Dan's blushing" the boys made mockery, I saw a small tint of pink on her face "oh we're paying now by the way" I said "okay just me a second while I'll fetch your  bill" we waited, paid and it took a few minutes trying to get out as Ben and Chris were playing matchmaker..just not being good at it.

Y/n pov
I watched as they walked off, Daniel (I think his name was) is cute but I can't be liking someone I just met..can I ?

Daniel's pov
That night we played the showed and it was one of the best crowds yet! I went to bed still hyped from the performance and also still thinking of y/n the waitress.

The next morning I woke up to find that Chris and Ben were still asleep, I woke them up as today was nothing but working, and doing whatever we usually do "so dan, you think you'll be seeing that girl again" one of the managers asks, laughing I asked how she knew "hun I think that is easy to figure out, they can't keep a secret" she left smirking and I continued to make my way over to Chris and Ben "hey Dan" they both said "hey, so we ready for the show" I asked as we got all the equipment on stage and ready for when we start.
"5 minutes to show boys" the manager calls out, we all get ourselves ready and go out to play the last show here.

A few hours later we finished and we still hyped after the show, I told the manager we were leaving to get food and she knew where we were going..thanks to Ben and Chris.
We made our way up there and saw that y/n was working again, yes!
Looking around it was less busy than last time and took the table we had near the window again, waiting for a few minutes, y/n approached us "hello again boys, what will it be tonight ?" She asked "two chicken wraps" Chris ordered for Ben and himself "I'll have the soup please" I said and she smiled as she walked away "should have said you'd have her for dinner" I was laughing with confusion "then wouldn't I be a cannibal" questioning him back, Ben laughed as Chris tried to think of something to say "dude you should totally try and get her number" I rolled my eyes, it's the second time we've met, and I'm to shy to be that confident.
We joked around some more until y/n came to us with our food "enjoy boys. Sorry to sound unprofessional, but what are your name ?" "Hi I'm Chris" "I'm Ben and this is Daniel, your new admirer" I laughed a little, she awed "y/n your shift is over for the weekend" a man from behind the counter said "looks like I'm free at last" she jokes "do you wanna sit with us ?" I asked, her reply was sitting next to me and starting conversations.

Throughout the whole night I started to actually fall in love with y/n, from what she's said, to her laugh, smile and the look of happiness in her eyes..y/n is in incredible in so many ways.
"Sad news lover boy, we've gotta head back now" Ben said as he got up to pay for the food, Chris was with Ben, leaving me and y/n "it was lovely to get to know you y/n" I spoke with a smile "it was nice getting to know you to Dan. You coming back tomorrow ?" She said happily, I shook my head "great meeting you y/n" both Chris and Ben said as they walked outside the cafe "I have to go now, I'll visit sometime" I said "maybe would could still talk" a smile on her face, holding a piece of paper with numbers on it. I couldn't believe it. Y/n number. "I'll call you when I get back to the bus so you'll have my number too" she smiled and said goodnight as I walked outside with Ben and Chris who were more happy to see that piece of paper.

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