Daniel Johns

911 17 2

Warning; semi-mature theme
Third person pov:
Daniel has been home from tour for two weeks now and within those two weeks, you've become happier. After 5 years dating, long periods without each other should be easier..they are, but still get lonely at times.
You and Dan were both asleep in bed, Sweep scratching at the door, waking you both.
Sighing for the need of wanting more sleep, "I best get up" talking half asleep, you started getting up but an arm wrapped itself around your waist pulling you back down "stay" he breathed while bringing you closer to his chest. "Sweep" you yawned, and moved up again but Daniel was adamant on you not leaving, his grip tightened and buried his head in the crook of your neck, leaving light kisses on your skin.
"Let her in here at least", "fine" he huffed and rolled on his back letting you go.
Opening the bedroom door, Sweep sat outside the room looking in "you want to come in girl" you pepped at her, she sat in one place not moving. You stood at the door waiting when you were hugged from behind, his face was near your neck again and each breath sending chills down your spine.
You knew what Daniel was after, but you decided to tease him.
Turning round to face him and looking as if you'd kiss him but moving and kissing his cheek and neck instead, slipping out of his embrace to tend the dog.

After getting ready it was 11am.
You were tidying when Dan came round the corner and leant against the door frame "y/n I've got to go now as we've got a live session at a radio station. I'll be gone for a few hours, will you be okay on your own ?" He smiled "I'll be fine you know that" you rolled your eyes and went over to him to hug him before he leaves "see you in a few hours, love you" with that he left.
"Just us again" you looked down at the black furred pup who was staring at you.
Sitting on the sofa, you turned on the tv and watched a film, being bored made you a little hungry and begun looking for food. Searching for five minutes and with nothing but come to the conclusion that food shopping was clearly needed.
You wrote down a list of everything you needed "this might take a while" you laughed worriedly to yourself as you got into the car and made your way to the store.
Getting all the food shopping done went better then you imagined as it only took two hours.

When you had gotten home, you noticed Daniel was back, "thank christ he's back" you say carrying bags inside "Dan, can you give me a hand please" you called throughout the house and nothing "Dan ?" Calling his name again, still nothing "I can do this, easy" saying that as you filled your arms up with bags, closing the back of car and shutting the front door "fuck that. Never again" you breathed to keep calm. Starting the unpacking, you'd gone into the living room to call Sweep, you'd found both her and your boyfriend, asleep on the sofa, curled up together, Sweep looking comfier then Daniel and taking advantage of the space she had. This made you smile, but the food wasn't going to put itself away.

"Looks like people live here now" admiring the stocked up fridge and cupboards. Finalising the food restock your hand caught the pot of cooking utensils, creating a loud clatter and a mess, displeased with yourself for making a state of the kitchen. "Everything alright in there y/n ?" Hearing Dan's tired voice "everything's fine, just knocked something over" you said as Sweep made her way over, you then looked up to see Dan propping himself up with his arm, looking at you smiling.
Once you'd cleaned up, you continued.
"Hey babe, did you get those cookies we had a few weeks ago ?" He asked still on the sofa in the same position looking your way "I did yes, would you like them ?" Replying and questioning him, he didn't have to say anything as you brought the box to him "not all of them okay " you smirked handing him them.
He took the box and put them on the side table.

"Come here" he said then pulled you by your waist on to him, straddling his lap, "what's gotten into you today ?" you giggled.
"Can't a guy show love to his girlfriend ?" He replies kissing your lips with force, this sparked you to kissing him back with the same pressure and pushing his back against the sofa so you were up right. Taking control, you trailed kisses from his lips, along his jawline then down his neck until you reached his sweet spot and started kissing and lightly biting at it. Dan was heavily breathing by this point, going further you tangled your fingers in his blonde hair and pulled softly at it. You know he loves it when you do that but you could tell by this point he's had enough teasing.

His hands were now tightly on your hips tugging you forcefully against him, making you moan quietly into his neck, this action caused him to groan in response and become dominant. He flipped you both over so you were lying underneath him while he was on top, your legs still either side of his hips. "You have no idea how much I've missed you" he said in between kisses moving his head down toward your neck slowly, you whined at the feeling of his lips against your sensitive skin, copying you in your previous actions of kissing and light biting; Daniel changed it, by kissing harshly and finding your weak spot quickly.
He kissed your lips gently then dove straight to your sweet spot, sucking and biting at it, make sure he leaves a mark there.
The whole time he was doing that, your bodies moved against each other, creating the need to want more. You moved your hands so that they were toying with the hem of his shirt then pulling it off, stopping him and helping you remove the clothing item. Once his shirt was gone, he removed your top too. You brought his face back down to yours so your lips met, continuing what's been started.

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