Chris Joannou

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A/N: After being a ghost, I'm finally back and writing again!

You and Chris had been together for nearly a year when suddenly things start to go down hill for your relationship.

"Y/n your being ridiculous about this. Why aren't you seeing that !" Chris spoke calmly, trying to calm you down. "Seeing what? That you cheated on me with someone else?" You voice breaking from the pain in your throat "y/n it wasn't who you though it was" "oh really then why did you kiss her then. You know what Chris..I love you I do, but I can't do this anymore with you" tears were threatening to fall from Chris's eyes as you said that "I love you too and I'm sorry." He said one last time and walked away from your doorstep, leaving you to cry for hours until you fell asleep from exhaustion.

The next morning was rough, you had gotten up to an empty house, no noise just your quiet sobs, your dog Blossom had came into your room and pawed at your leg to be fed "alright boy I'm up" you smiled sadly at the puppy, wagging his tail as you smiled.
You got up, showered, dressed and did your normal routine but there wasn't Chris there by your side this time and maybe..never again.

Blossom was raring to go for a walk, so leaving the house you decided to cheer yourself up and take a walk through the park. About half an hour into the walk, you'd heard loud giggles and turned to see who was laughing so loudly, you saw a woman with dark red hair walking and man in a beanie next to her, their arms were linked, something inside made you want to cry there and then, but that feeling became a reality when you saw who was with the was Chris. He was laughing and smiling, looking to the woman every so often "why Chris..just why ?" you thought to yourself, still watching as they walked away.
Blossom had just come running up to you, asking for you throw the ball again "fetch" you said happily and threw the ball, you looked to see your dog bound after it, smiling a little "Blossom is all I need."
You both remained in the park till lunch time, going back to the house and getting something to eat. Making yourself and Blossom lunch, you put on the tv, scanning the channels for something to watch, when tears started to well in your eyes again, falling down your face "where did we go wrong" the pain in your throat made it hard to speak "maybe it was my fault ?"

You've been depressed for the past week now, only leaving the house to walk Blossom or to get food, the rest of the time you sat and cried for hours. Today was different when the phone "hello", "y/n! It's so nice to hear from you" the voice on the other end was your best friend "hey y/b/f/n !" You tried sounding as happy as possible "how're you ?" You paused thinking "not good at all" "why whats up ?" "Chris and I broke up" you heard a sharp gasp come from y/b/f/n "when ?" , "A week ago." "Y/n we are meeting up tonight and you are telling me everything." Y/b/f/n demanded "picking up you at 9, bye hunny." Then hung up the phone. Great. This was the last thing you really wanted to do.

*9 o'clock*
Y/b/f/n was waiting outside in their car, "hello" you said giving them a short hug "awww I'm sorry to hear what happened" you didn't say anything just looked down at your lap "but..we're going out tonight and we are having fun !" Starting the car and driving off to where you both were going.
You arrived to a nightclub where you first met y/b/f/n, you get yourselves some drinks and sat at a near by table, examining the dance floor crowded with loads of people "don't remember it being this busy" y/b/f/n said loudly over the music, "it has been nearly 6 years." A little while past and you have had a few drinks, y/b/f/n had gone off into the crowd, while you sat listening to the music.

"Hello, can I get another mango daiquiri ?" While waiting, an all to familiar face approaches you "hey y/n" he said sound upset "hi Chris" was all you said and looked the other way "please y/n..just hear what I have to say" turning around again "what do you have to say Chris 'sorry I kissed some girls cheek and had our arms linked' ?" You tried not getting upset again but Chris's face showed pure sadness "y/n..I still love you, can we talk somewhere else please ?" Nodding, you headed outside. Standing silent for a few seconds "it wasn't what you thought.." "bu.." "just hear me out. It wasn't what you thought because that person was our new neighbours daughter. She can't see well and I helped her out, the kiss was because she told me that people use to spit, spit balls at her cheeks and say they were kisses. Just please say you'll forgive me, or even try to" the tears in his eyes showed "I forgive you and I do still love you" you said with your own tears falling but a quick giggle escaped "I'm the one who should be sorry, I over reacted badly" you giggled a little more which had gotten Chris to smile "you have yes. I'm glad we've talked about it" you nodded.

"Would there be a chance of us ever getting together again ?" His eyes still sad "I love you Chris Joannou" you said walking over and hugging him tightly, he hugged back, pulling away you both swooped in and kissed, smiling happily afterwards "so does this mean.." "yes. We are together again" upon saying those words, you've never felt so happy before, you hugged Chris again and repeated "I love you" over and over.

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