Daniel Johns *Requested*

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Daniel and you had been dating for a few months now and decided to spend a night round one of the houses.

Summer vacation starts in 3..2..1. The loud sound of the school bell rang across your classroom, telling everyone that school is over for the summer. You quickly packed your bags and collected all books before joining the already crowded halls, rushing to get out the doors.
"Freedom" you sighed with a smile while standing at the school entrance, you were waiting for Daniel to make an appearance, after a few minutes you saw him walking up to you and greeted you with a kiss "summer vacation here we come!" Daniel said excitedly as he took you hand in his and made you way home.

"So what's our plan ?" You asked "y/n it's not even the first day of break and your already thinking ahead" , " I know, let's say..this week" both Dan and yourself couldn't think of anything until you remembered all the sleepover parties you went to when you were younger "oh! I know, how about a sleepover, at mine ?" Your tone bubbly, Dan hummed in thought and looked back at you "Friday night?" He waited for your response "Friday it is my love" you answered.
Your excitement was growing on the inside and it was also showing on the outside "what's with that cute smile" Daniel smiles before leading down to kiss you cheek "your cute" you giggled before turning your head back only to see that you were getting close to your house.
Daniel and yourself went separate ways when you got back home. "Mum" you called out as you entered through the door "in the kitchen sweetheart" she shouted back to you, you made your way in the room to see your mum sitting on the table sorting out paperwork "what can I do for you y/n" "I was wondering if it would be okay to have Daniel round Friday night ?" There was a brief paused "of course it is hunny. Just no mischief" your mum joked at you "thank you" you smiled happily before making your way upstairs and to your room.
"This is going to be the best summer yet!"

The days had passed and it was now Friday evening and you were getting the living room ready to host your sleepover with Daniel, tidying and laying out a rather large assortment of drinks, food and films "this should last us the night" you stated looking at the colourful packets on the coffee table when a knock on the door echoed. Through the glass of the door you saw it was Daniel, he stepped in "keep forgetting how nice your house is" he said looking around the hallway and living room, he smiled widely when he saw all the snacks and drinks laid out "you sure this will last us the night ?" He laughed causing you to giggle. You both got set up and started with your sleepover.
Out of all the films that you had, Daniel had chosen a bunch of horror movies, you didn't mind them but you didn't like them either. Daniel knew this and you had both decided to start from least scariest then work your way to the scariest.

The first film was over "so how was Creepshow ?" Dan asked you, "I liked it, not scary at all" you smiled and started to put in the second film 'Scream' and snuggled up to Dan, he put his arm around you "this film isn't that scary babe" he comforted you. Half way through there was a jump scare that made you jump a little, Daniel pulled you closer to him so you could lay your head on his chest, you stayed like that for the rest of the film "you okay ?" Dan asked looking down at you giving you a light kiss, you smiled "I'm fine..it wasn't that scary" you giggled a little.

You both made a break from in between films to do whatever, the living room was pitch black apart from the glow of the tv and you noticed Dan had been gone for a little longer then you expected "you alright babe ?" You called out and no response, you made your way up the stairs "Dan" you called out again this time there was a noise from down stairs "Daniel stop messing around" you said and walking back to the sofa waiting for him you heard the creaking again and then "BOO!" Dan yelled from behind you, jumping you fell on the floor with a thud "you jerk" you exclaimed unhappily "I'm so sorry y/n I had to. Are you alright ?" He laughed and helped you back up, pulling you into a kiss and back into a cuddle on the sofa "let's put this last film in" you said and put it in.
This last film was scary, you'd hidden your face away multiply times and jumped a lot too.

When it came to an end, Daniel knew that sleeping wasn't an option tonight after all the films had been put away it was a silence "so now what" You said jokingly "a game of hide and seek maybe ?" He suggested, you giggled "I'm not 5 my love" , "I know but come on..you know it'll be fun to run around in the dark" the smile on his face was adorable and you couldn't say no to him "1..2..3." You'd started counting and he ran off somewhere "19..20. Ready or not here I come."

Hey sorry that this took awhile to write. I hope you like it!

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