Chapter 1: Alone

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(The forest above is what Hermaina looks like

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(The forest above is what Hermaina looks like. The girl above is Vivian.)

"The Galra! They're attacking!"

"Stay calm!"


Screams. Homes being destroyed. Harmless citizens or tourists flushed out and imprisoned. Everyone was taken including children. Everyone but one.

Vivian woke up in a cold sweat. Her dreams had haunted her with one memory. She had many sleepless nights, trying to avoid the nightmare. Sighing, she climbed out the den she made from her broken house and headed outside.

~ On The Castleship ~

"Paladins! I'm receiving a distress signal from Hermaina. Get to your Lions now!" Allura ordered.

"Hermaina, the holiday planet?" Lance puzzled.

"Lance! Hurry up! We don't know how long we have!" An echo shouted

"Calm down Mullet, I'm going."

The Teleduv opened, and all the Paladins entered in their Lions, followed by the Castleship.

"I hope we're not too late." Pidge commented

~ On Hermaina ~

Vivian kneeled by a river, washing her face with the cool water, and listening to waterfall upstream. The animals nearby were all awake and chattering loudly, as if competing with each other to talk with their friend next to them. Life had been very peaceful since everyone was captured, but that still didn't effect the guilt that Vivian had.

"There was nothing I could do to save them." Vivian told herself. Nothing would change her mood. The noise around her died down suddenly, leaving the only noises she could hear was the babble of the river and her own breathing. Curiosity got the better of her and she headed back to the ruins of the village to investigate.

~ Time skip ~

Hidden behind the remains of a roof, Vivian watched as five Lions landed in front of her. 'They must be the Paladins of Voltron.' She whispered quietly, as she observed someone walk out of each Lion.

"We're too late!" Lance called

"Wonder why." Keith snapped

"Please don't argue guys." Hunk begged

Lance and Keith continued to squabble as Hunk and Pidge looked around. 

Shiro picked a pocket sized object as Vivian slipped closer, unseen.

"This is letting out the signal we recevied, but it says the signal was activated two weeks ago." Shiro declared

Lance and Keith finally stopped fighting and walked closer to Shiro while eyeing each warningly.

"That means everyone was taken weeks before we even found the signal." Lance added

"Not everyone." Pidge called out and and walked closer to Vivian. She stopped and pointed to the wall that Vivian was hiding behind. 

"There is someone.." Pidge was cut off by Vivian making a beeline for the nearest tree.

Pidge turned to face everyone else.

"Should we follow her?" Lance asked

"She could be dangerous." Keith replied

"There must be a reason behind why she ran off, so it could be worth investigating." Pidge commented.

"But where she is went is a dark forest, and who knows what is in there?" Hunk stressed

"You have the deciding vote, Shiro." Keith said

Shiro thought for a minute, coming up with a plan in his mind.

"We'll follow her, but stay alert. We don't know if she is helping someone, or what she is hiding. Stick together and watch each others back." He finally decided.

~ Time skip ~ 

Vivian was back by the river she was at earlier but she was further upstream. She sat on a flattish rock next to the base of a waterfall and waited to see if the Paladins would come find her. She thought they would but wasn't certain.

"God damn slackers. If they got here earlier they could have saved them. And I would still have a home." She buried her face in her hand as she tried to hold back tears. When she closed her eyes, a flashback came.

"Champion as recently got on of these. Commander Senak also got one. You, however, will not have your arm removed, but you will still become stronger than you are."

The galran held up a computer chip the size of a playing card and walked over to Vivian with a smirk.

"Don't worry, You will be fine. Maybe. Me on the other hand, I will enjoy your pain."

When Vivian finally managed to open her eyes, she had fallen off the rock into the ankle deep water in the river. There was no-one around her, but when she came to in a galran cell, there was someone there, trying to make sure she was okay. Vivian couldn't remember who they were, but she didn't need to know to feel alone.

(748 words)

(My first story! Enjoy!)

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