Chapter 2: New Friends

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(The pictures above will show where Vivian is at the start of the chapter)

~ With the Paladins ~

"She must know this place well to move quick enough to ditch me."

"Shut up, Lance" Pidge had had enough after listening to Lance talk about he is the best.

They had split up into pairs to find Vivian, with Keith deciding to go alone. They had been searching for around an hour.

"Remember, when we find her, I want to introduce myself to her first." Lance stated.

"It's not going to matter if she hates us." Pidge mumbled.



~ With Vivian ~

The waterfall near rumbled as the water fell. Sitting on a ledge, Vivian was deep in thought, trying place something. Shiro, to be honest. He felt so familiar, but Vivian knew it wasn't just because he was a paladin. Another flashback came while she thought.

"Are you ok?"

"I'm fine. How long was I out?"

"I'd say around 5 minutes. It's now among some of my most stressful 5 minutes. I thought you were dying."

"Why is that?"

"When they threw you back in, you had a poorly bandaged wound on your left arm. It was bleeding badly too. I tightened the bandage, but I saw something that looked like a big computer chip."

"Well... the creepy guy with the knife said that I have one of their biggest achievements in my arm. By the way, I know we have been in here together for about 3 weeks, but I keep wondering what your name is. Oh.. I'm Vivian."

 "It's nice to finally know your name, Vivian. My name is Shiro."

"That's why you were so familiar. We shared a Galra cell." Vivian said.

"You were a Galra prisoner?"

Vivian was startled and toppled off the ledge she was sitting with a shriek. The river was a little deeper here, and Vivian surfaced in chest-deep water. It was a bit on the freezing side too.

"Nice to see you again, Shiro."

Hunk came running out, but couldn't stop in time and accidentally pushed Shiro into the river was well. The water seeped through where his helmet was open and soaked through his armour. He surfaced next to Vivian, who was grinning.

"Once again, Karma strikes." She drawled.

"Sorry, Shiro." Hunk called.

~ Time Skip ~

"So the attack happened 2 movements ago. I'm sorry that we couldn't make it in time." Allura apologised.

"No need to apologise. I didn't even know there was a distress signal until Shiro found it." Vivian replied. They had taken Vivian to the Castleship after she promised she would help them gain Hermaina as an ally in the war against the Galra Empire. Vivian had Pidge give her a tour around the Castleship, before she got settled in. When she was in a spare room, which she now claimed as her room, she changed out of the clothes she was wearing, the normal clothes that the Hermainans wore to help tourists pick them out from crowds, into her favourite clothes, a grey tank top with black 3/4 tights, then plaited her hair. When she had changed her style, she pulled out portable mirror and studied her face. She cringed at the sight of it, turned to her bag that she carried her clothes in then pulled out a smaller bag holding makeup, mostly BB cream.

"I'm glad Mum had the foresight to give me all of this makeup. I'm surprised none of the Galra or Shiro saw the bag. Then everyone missed it when it was exposed. Maybe Dad was right when he said that it was white and very hard to see." Vivian said under her breath. She wasn't sure if Pidge was waiting outside, hence why she said it quietly. After applying BB cream, she put her stuff away and headed out to face her new friends.

(I've decided I will name the chapter using words from the last sentence.)

(629 Words)

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