Chapter 9: Outta Here

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"Hold still

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"Hold still."

Vivian bit her lip to stop herself from crying out in pain as Rose pushed her arm back into place. 

"All done."

"Thanks, Rose."

Vivian rolled her arm around, but was careful of her fractured shoulder blade.

It had been nearly half a day since Vivian had escaped from the Galra with Rose's help. Crescent was asleep next to Rose and White was sitting next to Vivian and occasionally nudging Vivian's hand with her nose in apology. Vivian stroked White's head.

"What are we going to do now?"

The Castleship flew overhead, causing both girls to look up. Rose poked Vivian's arm to get her attention.

"Well, we follow that Castleship, Vivian. It's our ticket outta here."

~ Very Small Time Skip ~

~ With The Paladins ~

"We are approaching the area where the pod crashed. We should be there is a couple of ticks." Allura announced.

As soon as the Paladins realised Vivian had fled the Castleship, they had Allura turn around and go find her.  Some of them expected Vivian to be able to pilot the pod safely and land without a scratch. Mainly Keith and Hunk. Lance didn't care, Allura and Coran were trying to find what was left of the pod, leaving Pidge and Shiro to try and figure out what went wrong. They had decided that Vivian had was going to fast and didn't have time to pull up.

"I hope she's okay. How long has she been there?" Hunk asked

"One and a half of your earth days. There has also been some Galra activity in the area!"

"Coran, Vivian could be pretty far away from the pod. How are we going to find her?"

"Ah, you will see when we get there, Lance."

Pidge walked out to see if there was anything in the Castleship that could help them. Her first area to search was the holodeck. (The room Kalternecker lives in)

~Back to Vivian and Rose ~

"Do you have any idea where they are heading?"

"Probably to the pod I crashed." 

Vivian looked back to Rose who was just behind her.

"Do yow know where it is, Rose?" 

"Of course I do! You crashed and then the pod caught on fire! I didn't even know metal could be set on fire." 

"It was the interior I bet. Also, I'm glad you know the way. That way you don't need to follow me and I can beat you by a mile!"

"Beat me in what? If it is what I think it is, Crescent and I will flog you and White!" 

"No you can't."

"Challenge accepted."

Rose and Vivian took off, Crescent lowering her head to be more aerodynamic, and White quickened her strides. White began to pull ahead when Rose threw a smallish rock and Vivian's neck, close enough to her shoulder blade to make it hurt again. White slowed down at Vivian's pained shriek. 


Rose couldn't contain her laughter.

White came level with Crescent, and Vivian launched at Rose, pulling her off Crescent. They continued to roll in the grass, laughing. When they sat up, White and Crescent and returned back to them.

"That was fun."

"It was until you threw a rock at me. Then it became Galra vs Altea- I mean Paladin."

"Were you about to say-" Rose gasped. "ARE YOU ALTEAN?!"

Vivian glared at her. 

"I'll get back to you on that."


Vivian stuffed grass in Rose's mouth. She was getting fed up. First the Galra guard calling her 'Survivor', and now Rose.

Rose threw some dirt at Vivian, and fished a piece of grass out of her mouth. Vivian stuck her tongue at Rose. The two then burst into laughter.

"How crazy would it be if you were actually Altean?"

Vivian's smile faded.


I got worried for a second.

~ Time Skip ~

White kept an eye on Crescent as the Trelven sniffed the pod.

"I thought they would be here."

Rose slapped Vivian, who was mumbling to herself about how annoying the Paladins could be. Rose then pointed to a blue thing, that looked like it was coming closer.


Vivian was sure that what Rose had pointed out was the Blue Lion. She was yelling as loud as possible, and Rose joined in too. Crescent started howling, as if joining the chaos.

White watched, clearly amused. When the girls stopped for a breath, White stood up, and roared loudly. Vivian saw a flash in the Blue Lion's eyes. It then turned towards them, much to the girls delight.



"We are getting outta here at last."

(756 Words)

(Ha, I never told you that name of this planet. Mainly because I don't know what to name it. If you come up with something, please tell me. I recently made a new photo for Vivian. It will reveal her secret, but Vivian will inform the Paladins in another chapter. But she will very soon, I promise. Here's the photo of Vivian:

Some of you will probably be like 'But the chip in her arm is too small!'

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Some of you will probably be like 'But the chip in her arm is too small!'

It's good to see that you enjoy my story enough to remember that I said the chip is playing card size. The reason it is so small in the picture is that part of it is buried under her skin, other wise she would of pulled it out long ago.

I am also amazed that @areious managed to find out Vivian's secret in Chapter 4. You guys sure are awesome readers. 


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