Chapter 11: Goodbye, Rose

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"I will send someone to get her. " 

The screen vanished, and so did Kovalon's image. (I don't know how to spell his name)

Rose walked out, right as Vivian rounded the corner. 

"Hi, Rose. Are you ok?"

Vivian saw her friend's unhappy face.

"Someone is coming to get me. I have around a day before I go back to the Blade."

"Then lets make the most fun day you have ever had!"

Vivian grabbed Rose's hand, and ran back down the hallway to find Pidge.

~ Time Skip ~


Vivian dragged Rose into the Green Lion's hangar, and over towards Pidge. The Green Paladin looked up from her latest project, and walked over to them. 

"Pidge, can you help me?" Vivian tilted her head in a pleading manner.

Vivian leant closer to Pidge, whispering something, while Rose became confused. At last Pidge spoke up.

"Rose, do you want to help Lance find some decent music?"

"You bet."

As Rose dashed away, Vivian and Pidge smiled at each other, knowing they had to go visit Hunk and get everyone else to help. 

Hopefully Lance can keep Rose busy long enough for the plan to work.

~ Time Skip ~

"Hunk, is the cake almost done?"

"Almost, it just needs the icing. Music?"

"Lance is in charge of music. I'm in charge of the party poppers."

"That's right. Sorry, Keith."

"It's fine. I just need one for Shiro. Black glitter is hard to make. How are you going anyway, Shiro?"

"The coast is still clear. Pidge, lights?"

"Done. That also makes a full circle."

The four Paladins started laughing quietly, before the other three were shushed by Shiro. Vivian ran around the corner, panting hard.

"Decorations are now finished. We ready to go?"

Hunk nodded, but Keith shook his head, before placing the last party popper in with the others.

"Let's go."

They grabbed the items they made, and headed to the dining room.

~ Time Skip ~

Vivian froze and signalled for the others to hide. Allura and Coran walked around the corner, closely followed by Lance.

"Where's Rose?"

Lance smiled.

"She's waiting on the Holodeck."

Vivian sighed with relief, and the others came out of hiding, and staring making the final preparations.

When they were done, Allura stepped up to Vivian.

"As this was your idea, I would like you to find Rose and bring her here."

Vivian spun to see a thumbs up from Lance, Pidge and Hunk, a tiny smile from Keith, and large smile from Coran, and a comforting smile from Shiro.

"All right then. Do the mice want to come with me?"

In response, Chuchu, Chulatt, Platt and Plachu appeared from the table, ran up Vivian's arm, and squeaked excitedly.

"Off we go then!"

~ Another Time Skip ~

Rose held Vivian's arm tightly as Vivian guided her into the Dining room. The others were waiting nearby, with their correctly coloured party poppers in hand. Vivian grinned, and Lance moved over to the music player.

"Ok, Rose. You can open your eyes."

Rose snapped open her eyelids, and green, yellow and orange glitter was launched into the air.


Black, blue, red, silver and pink glitter flew, and Rose giggled.

Lance started the music, and Vivian gave Rose a purple party popper.

"Did you really think we would let you go without a party?"

Rose gave Lance the 'Really?' face.

~ Last Time Skip for This Chapter ~

Everyone watched as Rose and Crescent boarded the ship, still slightly sparkling from the glitter.

"Bye peeps. Maybe we will see each other again."

The back closed up, the only sound was Crescent howling with sadness.

The ship then flew away, and the Paladins left, one by one, until Vivian was left standing alone, holding the empty purple party popper. White towered above her, but White's gentle purr filled her mind. Vivian smiled to herself, glad that she had met the friendly half-Galran.

"Goodbye, Rose."

( 615 Words)

(Thanks to 

Rose was a big part of this story, so thank you for letting me use her. It really helped me with some things. I decided to be nice and let her go peacefully. I don't know if I will add her back in later, but I don't think I will. 

Also, 125 PEOPLE READ MY STORY WOW! Thank you guys so much!

Also, I got the idea to write a Jurassic World story, should I?)

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