Chapter 13: Half-Altean

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"I'm telling you, I saw my Dad

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"I'm telling you, I saw my Dad. Why won't you believe me?"

"It just seems strange that you went three years without seeing him, and during your first proper battle with the Galra, he contacts you telling you to find him."

Vivian lent back and huffed at Pidge's logic. 

"I hate it when you have logic against me, but I'm not lying!"

Lance raised an eyebrow at her.

"Maybe you hit your head really hard and ha-"


Vivian stormed out of the room, fed up with the excuses she had heard.

~ Time Skip ~ 

As her skates slid across the ice, Vivian was confused by her fathers message.

"Follow your Light, what does that mean? Am I meant to throw a light bulb in the air and wait for it to take off in a random direction?"

She skated a full lap of the rink, before starting to try a few different things. She remembered watching a professional ice-skater when she was younger, and began repeating their moves. She moved forward and spun, then continued forward. She set herself up for a jump, took off, and prepped for the landing-

"Vivian! There you are!"

She was distracted, and lost her balance. Her temper instantly flared.

"Dammit, Matt! Wait a second, MATT!'

Matt seemed shocked at her reaction, then smiled at Vivian as she skated over.

"Listen. Last time I saw you, I acted like a jerk. I'm so sorry, Matt. I was just nervous you would discover my secret."

"Don't worry about it."

Vivian sighed in relief, then tensed up.

"I slipped."


"I slipped, Matt. I guess I have to tell you now."

Matt looked around uncomfortably, unsure if he made the right decision to go looking for Vivian.

"I haven't told anyone else, so please don't tell anyone. I'm half Alt-"

The alarms blared, startling the two. Vivian fell over again.

"What's happening?" 

"We're under attack!"

Matt ran out of the room, and leaving Vivian behind as she removed her skates.

~ Time Skip ~

"I didn't think the Lions would be that complicated to fly."

"You learn something everyday."

Vivian smiled at the conversation happening between the siblings in front of her. She had been asked to try and avoid the battle, but White kept whining in her mind and she eventually gave in. The other Paladins didn't mind, they saw it as a bit of extra training. They just didn't want her to be hurt again.

"Did you see your father again?"

"Lance, you better start running because if I catch you not even makeup will hide your injuries."

Lance's eyes widened, and he fled the room. 

"Vivian, are you just trying to scare him or.."

Vivian launched over the back of the lounge, and charged through the door after Lance. Everyone else just looked at each other with matching confused looks.

 "We should probably go after her."

Pidge and Hunk left the room to find Vivian, leaving Matt, Shiro, Allura and Coran behind. Keith was on the training deck. A high pitched shriek echoed through the hallways, meaning Vivian had found Lance.

"Vivian! Stay away!"

"No Mercy!"

Matt burst out of the room after he heard Lance's scream.

"Lance! I'm coming!"

Lance crashed into Matt as he tore around a corner. Matt rushed to hide him from Vivian, who was currently charging down the hallway. Pidge turned a corner, knocking over Vivian and became stuck under her, only to have Hunk trip over them and crush them.

"Get. Off. Me." Vivian wheezed.

"You'll only go after Lance again, so no thank you." Hunk replied.

Vivian growled, then hung her head in defeat.

~ Time Skip ~

"I got you some goo."

Vivian looked over at Lance. 

Why did I even think of hurting him? It was just a joke.

"How are you going to get it in without releasing me?"

Until she calmed down, Allura decided to lock her away in a prisoner cell. 

"Just stay in there while I slip it in."

She sat down on the bed-like thing behind her, watching Lance figure out how to open the door.

He sat down just outside the cell while Vivian ate.

"What flavour was it tonight?"

"I think Hunk chose garlic bread."

"Isn't your favourite food garlic knots?"

"Vivian, I'm surprised you remembered."

"When you spend time in a cell with nothing to do for a year, you get really good at remembering facts about people. Just like how I remember when Shiro's birthday is and exactly how old he is turning."

"When is his birthday?"

"He can tell you. It took him ages to tell me."


5 minutes past, and Lance refused to leave Vivian alone. He soon fell asleep though, and Vivian saw a chance to practice something she had wanted to do for a long time. A white marking under each eye lit up and glowed. A small, white lizard made of energy started crawling around her feet. It jumped into the air and grew wings before flapping around Vivian's head. It shifted shape into an owl, then dropped to the ground, and became a shark. It swam through the cell barrier and around a now awake Lance, who was completely shocked.

"What are you?"

"Don't tell anyone, but I'm Altean. Half-Altean actually."

Matt's jaw dropped.


Vivian face palmed. Lance laughed until tears streamed down his face.

"Yes, Matt. I am indeed half-Altean and I want to tell everyone, not you."

(923 Words)

(There you go. Vivian secret is revealed. 

I also have released my new story; Jurassic World: The Second Pack. Enjoy!)

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