Chapter 10: Lion

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~ With Lance ~

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~ With Lance ~

"Alright, Blue. Lets go find Vivian."

Blue raced across the land, with Lance occasionally slowing down to look closer.

"Where could she be? Maybe if we can find the pod, we will find her. Right Blue?"

Blue purred in response, and headed in the direction of the pod. 

When he saw it, there was no-one he could see.

"Let's try around it girl."

Blue turned and headed away from the pod, then turned back towards it. Lance was confused when Blue started running without him controlling her. She returned to the pod, dropped off Lance, and sat down.

Lance looked at the two girls and two creatures in front of him. One lunged forward and hugged him tightly.

"Lance! I'm so glad you're here!" Vivian said, her voice full of happiness.

~ Time Skip ~

~ With Vivian ~

Vivian sat down on the lounge, and Rose marched in, in same clothes other than her Marmora armour. White moved over and laid on Vivian in a protective way.

"Still hasn't gotten over the rock?" Rose sounded stunned

"No, she hasn't. It's also not healed yet. I'm waiting for the healing pod to be prepared." 

White growled a warning, just as Hunk walked in.

"Hey, Vivian. Ok, so we wanted to get you a welcome back gift, but we didn't have enough time to go t the space mall, so we made you this!"

Pidge gave Vivian a milkshake, and Vivian tasted it. Her eyes lit up after she tasted chocolate.

"Did you put chocolate in this?"

Pidge readjusted her glass and cleared her throat.

"As close Alteans get to it."

Vivian thought about Matt, and how stupid her behaviour was around him.

"Matt didn't get upset when I ran, did he?"

"Not at all. He was just a little..... shocked, that's all."

Vivian smiled at Coran, who was twirling his moustache around his finger. She finished her milkshake and smiled. Rose sipped the milkshake Lance had given her loudly.

"Hey, Coran? Is the healing pod ready?"

 "Of course it is!" I came out here to tell you."

"Thanks, Space Uncle."

Vivian walked out of the room, hearing Pidge, Hunk and Lance crack up laughing.

~ Time Skip ~

There was swishing sound, and Vivian opened her eyes to see Shiro, sitting just in front of the healing pod. Vivian quietly moved towards him, a little uncoordinated, and sat down next to him. She lost her balance and fell onto his shoulder.

"Hey, Shiro." 

Her voice was muffled by Shiro's arm.

"Hi, Vivian."

There was silence as Vivian moved off Shiro and repositioned her self.

"Are we going to train so I can get the hang of fighting the Galra?"

"Not yet, Vivian. You just came out of the pod."

Rose and Pidge walked in together, talking about something called 'Klance'.

They then immediately turned around and walked away.

Vivian and Shiro looked at each other with matching confused looks. They burst into laughter, not really knowing what just happened.

~ Another Time Skip ~

Vivian was standing outside while White sat in front of her. Her thoughts drifted over to Crescent, bouncing around and greeting Kalternecker, clearly enjoying her temporary home. She then started comparing White's height to Crescent's.

I can grow. I'm not always the size of a Earth lion.

Vivian jumped back, and looked around frantically to find the owner of the voice.

Who was that?

You sound shocked. I've been trying to talk to you since I saved your life back with the Galra.


That's right. Where the other Lions give their Paladin ideas as their way of communicating, I can talk to you directly. Through your mind of course. 

This is amazing. 

It is, isn't it? I was beginning to wonder if  you could hear me at all.

You said something about growing?

Yes, just get Voltron out here.

As if scripted, the other Lions flew overhead and landed around White.


Vivian moved her hands down to her sides, and Lance confirmed they would. Vivian moved closer  to the Castleship, and White moved further away.

The Paladins formed Voltron, and Vivian uncovered her eyes. She never expected what she saw. Voltron was fine, but White was different. Voltron disassembled, and the Lions lined up next to White, while Vivian dashed back inside the Castleship, calling for the two Alteans inside. White was no longer small. 

White had given Vivian a Bayard, Paladin armour and a Lion to pilot.

(725 Words)

(Just so you guys know, any text like this is White talking.)

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