Chapter 12: Soon

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Vivian sat upside down on the lounge, completely bored

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Vivian sat upside down on the lounge, completely bored. 

"There's been no attacks, or anything to show any sign of harm towards us."

She moved around so she was facing the correct direction, and Lance walked into the room. 

"Hey, Vivian."

"Hey, Lance. Is there anything to do?"

Lance was quiet for a bit, while he thought of something to do.

"Well, we could go and free the enslaved people that you escaped from. Of course we will have to check with Shiro, and you will have to learn to pilot White, but-"

"Of course! Lance, you're a genius!"

Vivian ran out of the room, leaving a confused Lance alone on the lounge. She ran down the halls, and to the Yellow Lion hangar. Hunk had been nice  enough to share his Lion's hangar with White. 

"White, open up girl."

About time.

White stood up, then lent down and opened her mouth. Vivian walked inside, amazed by everything. She sat down in the seat, and it slid forward, moving into the cockpit. Screens lit up, and their surroundings came into view. 

Wow, I regret not coming here earlier.

Before you take off, get another paladin with their Lion to follow you.

You don't think I'm that bad at piloting, do you?

I'm not answering that.

Vivian smiled and shook her head, then walked out to find Hunk entering the hangar.

"Hey there, Vivian."

"Hi, Hunk. Quick question, can you help me learn how to fly inside of White?"

"Sorry, but I can't really right now. But I think Shiro can. Why don't you go ask him?"

"Thanks anyway."

Vivian walked out of the room, but stopped when the door closed. 

Why does it seem like everyone wants me to ask Shiro something?

Don't ask me. Also, the reason why the Yellow Paladin couldn't help you is because he is cleaning his Lion. 

Sighing, Vivian walked away to find Shiro.

~ Time Skip ~

"Are you ready, Vivian?"


"Just take it slowly. Listen to your Lion and be careful."

This guy knows what he's talking about.

White, not helping.


Vivian pushed a control stick forward slowly, and White exited the Castleship. Space had always amazed Vivian, and what she saw around her was incredible.

"Vivian, go easy but you can try whatever you want. If anything happens, I'm here to help." Shiro's voice came through Vivian's new helmet. When she was trying to find Shiro, Coran had made White Paladin armour for her.

"Thanks, Shiro."

She pushed both control sticks forward, and White dashed off, with Black following closely. For a long time, the two paladins flew around, enjoying themselves as Vivian worked out how to pilot a Lion. There was numerous loop-the-loops, spirals and a few races. 

Eventually, they were both confident that Vivian knew how to fly.

"That was fun! Thanks for helping me learn, Shiro."

"Your welcome. I enjoyed it too."

Nether of them had seen the Galra ship approaching from behind until it was too late.

"What is shooting at u-"

White was thrown forward as Galra fighters swarmed around the Castleship and the two Lions. The other Lions charged at the fighters, and White joined.

"Where did they come from?"

"They just appeared out of nowhere."

"There's to many!"

Come on, White. They need us.

White raced to help the others, who were struggling. A blade formed, with White holding it in her mouth, and White cleared a path to the other Lions.

"Guys. We need Voltron. I'll give the fighters something to chase while you guys transform."

"Are you su-"


White fired and spun slowly, destroying any fighter in the laser's path. The five lions got in formation, and Vivian heard Shiro give the command through her helmet. White was slowly sucked backwards towards the other Lions.

"What's happening? I've lost control. Is this happening to any of you?"




The Lions combined, and White was shot forward, as if Voltron had thrown her. 


No response. 

"Guys! White's lost power! Guys?!"

All Vivian heard was static. White was being sent straight past the Galra battleships.

She saw Voltron tear through a ship, and a single question follow.

"Where's Vivian?"

A fighter crashed into White's head, throwing Vivian around, and knocking her out.



"Come find me."

"But you ditched me when I needed you. Why should I find you?"

"I didn't ditch you. I just couldn't help you without dying."

"Ok, I'll find you."

"Follow your Light. Trust the one who guides you. Don't let anyone follow."

"Got it"

"Good. and remember-"


"I love you."

"I love you too, and I will see you soon."

(773 words)

(Sorry for taking so long to update, I couldn't think of anything to write. I will also add a new story soon. The story will be called Jurassic World: The Second Pack. Also, thanks for reading this. I don't have any idea how many chaptesr there will be in this story, so stick around.)

(DISCONTINUED) The Light Inside [Voltron]Where stories live. Discover now