Chapter 5: Black

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(I couldn't get the photo above to sit above the chapter title

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(I couldn't get the photo above to sit above the chapter title. I'm also sorry that the 4th chapter was so short for a bit. I don't know what happened there but it's fixed now.)

Vivian looked at her surroundings. It looked like the drier parts of Australia that hasn't had rain in years. Just like where Grace was killed. No, no thinking about that. She could see some movement in the distance but it was too far away to make out. She sat down, and thought about what had just happened.

"Hey Vivian, what are those markings under your eyes?"

He knew

He knows


Holding her head in her hands, she tried not to panic.

Shit, I really overreacted there. Oh well. Nothing I can do about it now.

Her eyes wandered over to the destroyed pod. There was nothing to recover. If there was, it would be burnt to a crisp by now. Vivian turned her back to the burning pod, and started to look for water. Mainly to clean the blood that was trailing down her arm slowly. She didn't care about the pod at all.

~ Time Skip ~

The figures on the horizon seemed to be getting closer. Standing by the small, water filled hole she had found, Vivian watched them, wondering if they were the Paladins or not. She wouldn't be surprised if they were. She'd been here for.... 4 or 5 hours now? A while as far as she knew. Kneeling, she finished cleaning her arm. A loud growl made Vivian freeze. A large wolf-like creature stood in front of her, baring it's undersized fangs. Vivian slowly creeped backwards, keeping her eyes locked with its glare. It lunged forward, stopping and lowering its head to take a drink. In the same water Vivian washed her injury with. After it had it fill, it watched Vivian with a light in its eyes. Curiosity. Vivian repositioned herself so she looked friendly, but was also ready to run. It came closer, and lowered its head as if asking to be pet. Vivian carefully placed her hand on its head. Trelven. Cantice's aunty met someone from this planet. I think he said something about slavery. I can't remember. Vivian studied the trelven's face. The white markings matched with the description she had heard about a certain Trelven.


The Trelven lifted her head higher. Vivian smiled. Crescent had gotten her name because the locals had always found her sitting near their town when the moon was a crescent. The white on her face also looked like a crescent moon too. Crescent sniffed the strange metal on Vivian's arm, and Vivian stood up and petted the fluffy animals head. In response, Crescent tugged on her sandal trying to show Vivian something. Vivian was amazed by Crescent's bravery, and decided to follow her.

~ Time Skip ~

Crescent bounded along side Vivian, who was exhausted from walking. The heat was starting to become overwhelming. If she slowed down, Crescent would grab Vivian's hand with her mouth and speed her up again. Paranoid, Vivian kept looking over her shoulder to check if the figures were still following. Something was off. From what she remembered, the locals didn't have much technology, if any at all. And yet the figures seemed to be kind of hovering. The quiet patter made by Crescent seemed to quicken, and Vivian looked back to see her companion take off.

"Hey! Crescent!"

Vivian chased the Trelven, wondering what had got her like this. She soon heard the rumble of an engine.


Vivian's order caused Crescent to slow down, until the brown and white creature was running next to Vivian. Crescent nudged Vivian, and signalled to her back. Understanding, Vivian gently mounted Crescent and the two raced their pursuers.

~ Time Skip ~

Crescent was puffed and they had escaped. Vivian paced while her new friend laid down and rested. Where are the natives? And who was just chasing us? Something is wrong here. Maybe I should of just told them when Matt asked. Who knows what they are doing now. Vivian stopped when Crescent sneezed.

"Bless you."

Vivian sat down in the short grass, and began to piece together who was chasing them. Concentration faded into shock and shock became horror.

"The Galra. They are already here. They were the ones chasing us." Vivian breathed.

Rustling next to her alerted her, to see Crescent had vanished.

"You should of followed your friend."

Vivian spun to find the owner of the voice was Galra. She turned to run when she felt a sharp zap on her back. She fell and started struggling to stay awake.

"What are we going to do about the runaway?"

They must be talking about Crescent.

"Kill it. And knock her out too."

Another sharp pain struck Vivian's head, and the world went black.

(792 words)

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