Chapter 8: White Paladin

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Vivian saw her chance and took it

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Vivian saw her chance and took it. A rock flicked up at Vivian, landing on White's head. It made a metallic sound when it landed, which was overlooked by Vivian who had already grabbed the rock and was throwing it at the Galra guard's leader. It connected with his head and enraged him.

"Over here, you slowpokes!"

Vivian started waving her hands in the air to attract attention. She severely hoped Rose wasn't watching. Who knows what would happen if she was. White pivoted and took off towards a small space in the rocky ground. They dropped into a canyon, closely followed by the Galra.

Ok, I think that's all of them. Now for the tricker part.

It was hopeless to try an ditch them, they would be able to hear the metal of White's claws colliding with stone.


A shot whizzed past her head, and snapped Vivian back into focus. White rounded a corner and started running uphill. The corner was too sharp for the speed one of the Galra was going, and he slid straight off the edge of a cliff, with an explosion signalling his death.

As the ground levelled out, two guards came up on either side of Vivian, clearly going to box her in. The path had another wall coming up, so Vivian got White to speed up. The Galra fell for her trick, and crashed into the sides of the passageway. Vivian smiled to herself, knowing their vehicles wouldn't survive the impact. She gently patted White's neck, only to find it was cold and smooth.

I'll check it out when I'm done trying to survive.

There was a large gap coming up, large enough Vivian was questioning if White could jump it. Vivian closed her eyes. A crash sounded and Vivian looked back, seeing three more Galra down. Only 5 left.

A low overhang blocked most of the passage from above. It was almost like a short tunnel. Quickly thinking, Vivian started prepping herself. If she could pull it off, it would be her chance to escape. If not, she'd lose her head. Literally.

Here goes nothing.

She slid so her body was parallel to the ground. White lowered her head and purred gently. Time seemed to slow down for Vivian. The rock above grazed her forehead just enough to slightly bleed. Her leg was brushed off White but White blocked it with her tail. Fire rushed after them as White pulled Vivian back up to normal. Three bursts of fire lit up.

2 left.

Vivian looked back to see another guard pop out of nowhere.

"Ok, You're new!"

"And you're gone!"

The guard was along side Vivian the rock wall on her side disappeared, revealing a cliff. The guard pushed White towards it, failed, then kicked Vivian's side, shoving her off of White and over the side of the cliff. She grabbed a little curve on White metallic back and held for dear life while scrambling to find a ledge. White flicked her back, threw Vivian back up towards her, who then flying kicked the guards head and jammed it between her foot and the rock. He screamed and fell, leaving Vivian to continue along her path.

"Thanks for the save, White."

The path soon joined back with the main section of rock, and the duo reunited with Rose and Crescent.

"Nice work, but there's more." Rose greeted Vivian with.

Vivian huffed and sped up, closely followed by Rose. There was the last two guards that Vivian missed trying to box them in again. Once they were in a troop line, Vivian charged her hand and swiped, while Rose activated her blade and slashed. Both guards fell, one quivering with electricity and the other bleeding through their chest.

"Head back to your village!" You are safe now!" Vivian ordered.

The padding of Trelven paws faded quickly, leaving Rose and Vivian to themselves.

~ Short Time Skip ~

"So you are a part of the Blade of Marmora?"

"Yes, Vivian."

"So that means you are part Galra, right?"


Rose looked over at White and Crescent playing together. Crescent was jumping at White then rolling away while White would then jump around like she was excited.

"Hey, Rose?"


"See White?"

"What about her?"

"Look at her closely."

White seemed to sense Vivian's thoughts and marched over. To Rose, the penny dropped rather quickly.

"W- w- w- wait, is White-"

"A lion, yes. Can she form Voltron? Most likely not."

"Girl! You have got to be kidding me!"

Rose slapped Vivian's arm. White snapped at Rose, then grabbed Vivian's arm near the shoulder. An audible crack followed, and White instantly dropped Vivian. Vivian held her arm while she laid where White had dropped her.

"You good?"

"Nothing like dislocating your arm and discovering that you fractured your shoulder blade to celebrate your freedom." Vivian muttered through gritted teeth.

White sat down in front of Vivian and nudged her leg in apology. Rose had a single question she had to say.

"So you are now a Paladin."

Vivian thought about it for a second.

"I guess so. The White Paladin has a nice ring, don't you agree?"

(834 Words)

(I started making this before season 5 came out, so I am completely ignoring anything in it except for character development or new planets or anything like that.

This is what White looks like

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This is what White looks like. So far she is as tall as a normal lion. I know she looks similar to Red, I can't draw so I traced and made a few edits

There was something hidden in the second last chapter I forgot to tell you about. In the train, when Vivian tried to grab the latch, there was just a sound, nothing else but it scared Vivian. Pania and Calagrola experienced a slight electric shock when they tried to grab it. It links on to Vivian's secret. I'm setting up for something that many of you are probably either going to be interested about, or completely hate me for it . Or just simply not care.)

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