Chapter 4: Discovered

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Vivian sat by the waterfall, her thoughts flowing through her as fast as the water in front of her flowed over the waterfall. Have I made the right choice?  A quiet call from behind brought her back to her senses. The waterfall faded back into the grassy plain it originally was as she walked away.

"Hey Kalternecker."

She stroked the cow gently. Vivian had been here for.... five minutes now? The most common thought she had recently passed through her head again. Should I tell them?

"I don't know if I should. How would they react? What do you think?"

Kalternecker snorted happily, then moved past Vivian to get some grass. Sighing, Vivian sat down and picked up a flower. Twisting the stalk, she decided to tell them when the time was right. Of course, now that she had decided right it would come out at the worst time possible, and wreck everything she had worked on with the paladins. So she didn't frustrate herself, she started to try and work out where her parents had gone. The flower stalk snapped under the pressure of Vivian twisting it, but she didn't notice. She was caught in another flashback.

"Catch me if you can!"

A 10 year old girl ran away giggling to herself. Vivian pursued after her. After a short sprint, Vivian tapped her younger sister on the shoulder.

"I got you, Grace!" Vivian said, wheezing with exhaustion and laughter.

"Darlings! Your father wants you!"

"Coming Mum!" The siblings shouted at once.

As they ran, their panting hid the sound of  a purple and grey ship slowly getting closer.


The entire family took off at the sight of the space ship above them. Vivian was starting to overtake her mother when her sister cried out in fear. She reeled around to see what frightened her sister. Large purple lasers were raining down around the girl. Vivian charged at her, only to be blown backwards by a blast that landed exactly where Grace had just been.

"Vivian! Get up and move it! Your sister is dead! You will be too if you don't hurry!" Her father shouted at her

As she turned her head to look behind, she spotted a wide purple light closing in on her. She saw her parents had climbed into another ship, but a smaller one. She was almost there when the light picked her up, and pulled her closer to the ship. She remembered what her kidnappers were called. Galra.

Just before she passed out she saw her parents fly off, not even bothering to try to help her. Her mind managed to place what her father said as the light reached her. 'Useless'.


Screaming, Vivian punched the thing in front of her. That 'thing' happened to be Lance. He had jumped back quick enough to dodge a blow to the face, but ended up being hit in the chest.

"I. Didn't. Know. You. Could. Hit. That. Hard" He said in between breaths.

"I winded you, didn't I?"



 Vivian couldn't control the cheekiness in her voice.

~ Time Skip ~

Pidge was muttering excitedly to herself, seeing as she had already told the other paladins numerous times.

Vivian was sitting behind her, trying to work out a single word she had just said.

"Hang on, Pidge. I know you are excited but could you slow down and tell me what you are excited about?"

"Matt! He's going to be spending some time here since the rebels have plenty of soldiers!"

"Matt is your.... brother?"

Pidge threw her hands in the air and confirmed Vivian's guess. She ran out of the room to find some items.

"Is she always like this when he comes?" Vivian asked, not sure if she wanted to know that answer.

"Yes. She is." Shiro answered 

"Normally we just let her tire herself out or we try to distract her. Her attention span is a bit small." Lance added.

Pidge popped back in the room after hearing Lance's comment

"At least my attention span is bigger than yours. It's a shame that its impossible to have an attention span as big as your ego though." She snapped back

Vivian snickered at this, while Lance was visibly offended.

~ Time Skip ~

Matt had been at the Castleship for a day now, and Vivian was acting  skittish around him. Even though all he did was want to get to know her, she still felt uncertain about him. He seemed very observant, which put Vivian on edge, wondering if he knew about her secret. If she disappeared for too long, he would begin to get suspicious, so Vivian didn't have any time to reapply her makeup. Does he know? How long until he does? Please don't know. Sadly, and rather alarmingly, he knew.

"Hey, Vivian." Matt called "What are those small markings under your eyes?"

"Um... I...I-I don't want to talk about it."

Vivian fled the room instantly, got in a pod and fled to the closest planet. She looked back to see the Teleduv close. With a sigh of relief, she slumped in the pilots seat and closed her eyes. When she opened them, the ground was coming at her too fast for her likings. She braced for impact, and was thrown out of the pod after the windscreen shattered on impact. She didn't plan for this to happen. As she rolled along the ground, she felt a surge of pain on her arm. Sitting up, she investigated and found a piece to the broken windscreen suck next to the Galran implant.

"That happened too fast." She whined as she removed the glass from her arm. Matt had done the one thing she wasn't ready for. Matt had discovered her heritage.

(1000 Words)

(Another hint guys. Vivian's secret is about her heritage. Anyone guessed it yet? Just so you know, Vivian was 20 when Grace was killed. She is now 23. She spent one year with the Galra, and two years on Hermaina.)

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