Chapter 14: Best Practice

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I'm not going to add pictures anymore. )

"Just another day or night out in space. How long until someone comes looking for me?"

"Not too long. The real question is why you didn't tell the others about you being half- Altean."

"I want to see who spills first. Lance or Matt, who do you think, White?"

"Lance. There's a reason why I didn't chose the others, Vivian. Keith is to-"


"If that's how you describe aggressive, then yes."

Vivian burst out laughing. Sitting inside White and having conversations with her was one of Vivian's favourite things to do.

"I'm glad that I'm amusing. Anyway, Pidge just doesn't have the mental strength I look for, and Hunk is far to kind for my likings. Shiro, Shiro is just too controlling."

"You're being a little picky."

"At least I rescued you when you needed it. Red apparently waited until Keith was pulled out into space to get him."

"True. You can continue. What about Lance, Allura, Coran and Matt?"

"Lance doesn't take things seriously enough, Allura is too bossy, Coran doesn't need a Lion. Have you heard what happened with him and Red? He wore a ridiculous outfit and tried to tell her that he was going to pilot her."

Vivian shook her head and smiled.

"How dare he."

"I know. About Matt, he is fine with the Rebels."

"What did you see in me?"


"What did you see in me that made you want me as your paladin?"

"You let someone take your chance at freedom. I look for a paladin who is able to make quick decisions that help others. Back when I found you, you could of freed only yourself. But you risked your life an only shot at freedom to help others."

"Huh, I would of thought you would of gone for someone responsible."

"That too. Vivian, get going."


"Just go."

Vivian stood, and noticed something in a port on the dashboard.

"How long has that been there?"

"Take it."

"Ok, ok."

Vivian grabbed the item, and pulled.

"It's not coming out."

"Twist to the right so it is vertical. Then pull."

She did what she was told, and the item came loose.

"A bayard. Thanks White."

~ Time Skip ~

"Look at this."

Vivian walked in, holding the bayard. Everyone turned to see what was in her hand.

Pidge stood up, cleared her throat, and stood in front of Vivian. Vivian tipped her head down to see the midget.

"I have two things to say. Vivian, first of all, when did you get a bayard? Second of all, stop making me feel shorter than I actually am."

"Well, White just kinda gave it to me. Also, I have something to share. I'm half-Altean."

Everyone except Matt and Lance looked shocked. Allura and Coran almost started dancing with glee. Pidge grabbed Vivian's hand.

"Come with me."

The two girls made their way out of the room, and down to the training deck.

"Can you do magic?"

"Pidge, of course I can. What's your favourite animal?"

"An owl."

Vivian closed her eyes, took a deep breath and focused. A glowing white ball formed between the two and began to shift to form an owl.

"No way!"

"Yes way."

Vivian opened her eyes, and the owl vanished.  She brought her bayard into view.

"Now, how do I use it?"

"Just do what you think you should do. I honestly can't put it in words."

The white bayard glowed, and grew long limbs. Vivian raised an eyebrow.

"A staff?"

The glowing faded, and revealed a bow. Vivian tested the string, and a white arrow appeared on it. Vivian smiled.

"I'm an archer. This is not what I expected. I'm gonna get some practice using this. Do you want to help?"

Pidge nodded.

The two spent the rest what they felt was a day helping their aim. Pidge would fire her grappling hook, and Vivian would have to shoot it before it hit a wall. Vivian started off horrible, but got quite good by the end of it. And they enjoyed themselves while doing it.

Vivian panted and smiled.

"Best practice ever."

(683 Words)

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