Chapter 7: Freedom

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The sound of a gunshot grabbed Vivian's attention

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The sound of a gunshot grabbed Vivian's attention. A Trelven hit the ground, dead. 

Another one? How many is that now? 3 Trelven and 4 Kichy that have failed to work and paid with their lives. Great. 

Vivian began to feel the extra strain on her shoulders. The chain went from the cube she was dragging, to the back of the bracelet things on her upper arm, over her shoulders, t the front of the upper arm bracelet things, then it went further forward before it spilt to hold the three rows of Kichy and Trelven slaves. The bracelet things on her wrists, which Vivian called zapping restraints, weren't connected to anything, but it gave a slight shock if it came in contact with the chains.

The ground was rocky, so it was hard to get a grip, but very easy to roll an ankle or something like that. All the smaller loose rocks made it slippery and slowed progress down. Vivian was struggling to keep pulling and she thought the chains may tear a muscle or fracture her shoulder blade.


Almost halfway there too. I won't be able to deal with much more of this.

Her zapping restraint brushed the chain, and she got a small zap. She honestly thought that the Galra was trying to kill all of them and were using the cube as an excuse for why they all died.

Here we go again, the Paladins take their time and all goes to shit. Just typical.

~ Time Skip ~

How is the land changing so much and so suddenly?

On the journey they had done, the land had gone through so many different biomes. Plain, grassy plain, rocky plain, rocky hills, hills, forests and they were now approaching the edge between another forest and a canyon.

A loud yelp came from further ahead, and another Trelven was dead.

Bloody hell. I'm done. That one just died randomly.

Vivian moved her hand over to the chain, unsure of what to do. A Galra soldier fell to the ground, and Vivian saw the flash of a blade. 

What the...

The flash appeared again, and another guard fell. Vivian made up her mind and placed her hand on the chain, hoping she could somehow break it.

Come on you stupid thing, break already.

Another flash followed by a brown and white blur passed by Vivian and took down two more guards.

Was that....Crescent? No, back to the chain.

The technology in her arm started to glow, and the chain broke. 

"Run! Go! you're  free!" Vivian called

Oddly enough, the chains just slipped of the zapping restraints on everyone. The Kichy mounted the Trelven and dashed away. Another mounted Trelven leapt out of their hiding place and lead the charge. Vivian looked around, expecting to see a Trelven waiting for her, but there was no such luck. 

Shit. I'm really done this time.

The remaining guards opened fire at her, and she punched one using the technology in her arm. Electricity crackled and the guard was electrocuted. She then rounded a corner of the cube, only to come face-to-face with a robotic guard. It aimed it's gun at her face, and slowly prepared to shoot, as if tormenting Vivian. A roar came from behind, and a white creature attacked the  robotic guard. Vivian recognised the signal it then gave, and mounted it. They took of after the fleeing Trelven pack. 

Once they had caught up with the leader, Vivian decided she would try to meet her.

"Hey, thanks for distracting the guards back there. I'm Vivian."

"Sup, the name's Rose. Your welcome."

Vivian looked back to find they were being chased by more guards on speeders. Rose saw them too.

"Someone is going to have to split off and ditch them."

"I'll take care of them."

"You sure, Vivian?"

"I'm certain. Plus White here could probably outrun them. They don't look to fast and She feels like she has got a lot of speed in her."

"Take care."

"Sure. Also, is that Crescent?"

The Trelven tilted her head hearing her name.

"Oh my god, it is too! Crescent, you're still alive!"

"Get going Vivian. And ditch the bastards."

Full of courage, Vivian started to split away from the pack and she readied herself for what could happen. She expected to be shot at. Her mind as made and she would trap them in a tight bumpy spot, like a small canyon maybe. One thing was for certain, when Vivian was this close to freedom, she was not being taken own without a fight.

(739 Words)

(The photo above is Crescent

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(The photo above is Crescent.

The technology was not her secret. Keep guessing and please tell me your guesses in the comments. 

Enjoy the story!

Rose belongs to 

We are close to discovering Vivian's secret! Only a few more chapters!)

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