Chapter 15: Fired

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"We're back." 

Vivian walked in, and smiled at everyone.

"I have someone for you to meet. This is Cantice."

The young Hermainan stepped out from behind Vivian. She had pale green skin with a darker green plant pattern on her right cheek. She was noticeably smaller than Vivian, being the same height as Pidge, if not, smaller. Her mint coloured hair was barely able to touch her back.

"Is it true? That you are ready to defeat Zarkon?" 

Vivian's smile faded. 

"You bet we are!" Coran exclaimed.

"And you didn't let me know about this? You could of called me back earlier! Is there anything else I need to know about?" Vivian growled.

Allura, who Vivian had failed to notice her absence, walked in. She walked to the centre of the room. 

"Welcome back, Vivian. Everybody, Lotor hasn't given any more information, and is-"

Vivian left the room, leaving Cantice to get excited while talking to Hunk . She stormed all the way to the Yellow Lion's hangar, which was also the current home of the White Lion.

"Hey, White."

The White Lion stood up, and leaned forward while opening it's mouth. It allowed Vivian inside. She sat in the cockpit, and sighed.

"They are ready to take on Zarkon. I feel as if they are hiding things from us."

"Stop worrying. Maybe they are still trying to work out the details or they don't want you to get hurt."

"Okay. Also, someone called Lotor is now a prisoner."

"Go see him."


"I want to hear about him. Plus, he may be able to help you with your father's puzzle."

"Good idea."

"Also Yellow thinks you might be able to be her paladin, but I refused to hand you over."

"You're funny."

Vivian then made her way down to the prison cell. The person she saw was purple, with long white hair. He was clearly Galra, but not completely. She stood tall, and cleared her throat.

"And what do you want?" Lotor grumbled

"I want to get to know you."

He seemed stunned, before settling down.

"And why would you want to know that?"

"My lion asked me to. I'm not going to leave until you at least tell me something about you."

"Fine. My name is Prince Lotor, a-"

"Let me guess, son of Zarkon."

Time passed. Vivian could hear quiet murmuring in her mind, but it was to quiet to understand. She knew it was White. Eventually, she remembered something.

"Listen, Lotor. I need help with something. My father recently said something that I have been trying to understand. He said 'follow your light' or something similar. Do you know anything that could help solve this?"

Lotor didn't respond. Vivian stood, noticing that she had bored him to sleep. She left the room, and walked away.

~ Time Skip ~

"What do you expect the pool to be like?"

Cantice was bubbling over with excitement. 

"I'm not expecting to much. You heard what Lance said."

Cantice giggled and puffed out her chest.

"The pool is a huge let down. I wouldn't expect to much." She mimicked in an almost perfect voice."

The elevator stopped, and they got off. The pool was almost normal, except for the fact that there wasn't a floor beneath it.

"Huh. Lance must have found the floor below it." Vivian mused.

Coran's voice came over the loudspeakers.

"We're under attack!"

Vivian groaned.

"Cantice, can you get to the control room? I need to get to my Lion."

They sprinted down the hallway, and Cantice split off the find the control room.  Vivian kept running. After finding her paladin armour, and putting it on, she raced over to White, who was watching the Yellow Lion leave. 


White opened her mouth, and Vivian climbed into the cockpit.

"Let's go."

They zoomed after Hunk, and into a mess of Galra fighters.

"Not again."

Blue swooped past, under pursuit of what Vivian estimated to be five fighters. White dived after, and blasted one. 

"They're everywhere!"

Allura's voice was strained. Lance replied in a stressed tone.

"We can do this! We just need to form Voltron!"

Vivian growled, noticing she was being hunted. A button rose, but there was no instructions from White, other than a warning.

You only get one shot with this. It hits hard. Make it count.

Vivian took a deep breath.

"Stay away from the front of White."

She fired.

(DISCONTINUED) The Light Inside [Voltron]Where stories live. Discover now