Chapter 3: Family

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(None of the photos of the Castleship I liked were big enough, so I got a picture of space.)

"3 steps to your left."

Vivian took three normal steps before getting zapped.

"Sorry! My steps are big. Can you tell me when I'm about to hit the wall? Please, Lance?"

"Alright." Lance sighed over the coms.

"Thank you. Which way?"

Turn right and walk forward for 5 steps."

Vivian took 5 steps forward.

"Vivian stop no-" Lance warned.

Vivian walked into the invisible wall again, then threw herself away from it, accidently hitting another wall.

"Nope. I'm done." She called out.

~ Time Skip ~

"How am I going to rescue the Hermainans if I can't navigate a maze with help from someone who can see the way out?"

"Maybe you will do better when actually go to rescue them."

Coran walked in with a smile.

"I know we did a galaxy wide Voltron Coalition show a while ago, but there is one planet that we didn't go to that also didn't see it. It also is icy there, so another Voltron on Ice show!"

Hunk and Pidge groaned unhappily, and Vivian sat up straighter.

"On ice. We get to ice-skate?" She asked

"Sure do." Coran answered

Vivian started trying to contain her excitement.

"What happened to the girl who got upset because she couldn't complete a-"

"Shut the quiznak up, Lance" Vivian snapped. "How long until we get there, Coran?"

"About a varga."

"About a what?" Lance puzzled.

"An hour, Lance. About an hour."

"Since when could you speak Altean?" Pidge quizzed Vivian

"I've known it since I can remember. Just because I know it doesn't mean I have to use it. Why are you staring at me?"

"No reason." Lance blurted.


Vivian then headed off, deciding to go to her room, with some worries beginning to form.

~ Time Skip ~


"What is it, Shiro?"

"I'm sorry, but Coran asked me to tell you that you can't perform."

"Why not?"

"He said it's better if the Galra don't know that your allied with us, but I think it's because you're not a Paladin."

Vivian sat down, any happiness fading away.

"Although, if you ask Allura to help you, you can make a skating rink of your own, without the pressure to people watching."

Vivian looked up at Shiro, then smiled at him.

"Thanks for letting me know. Hopefully Allura is as kind as you."

~ Time Skip ~

Vivian watched the Paladins as they walked back into the lounge room. They kept saying how much of a success the show was. They talked about their favourite parts as if Vivian didn't exist. Until Pidge said how much Vivian would of loved the ice-skating.


"What is it, Allura?"

"I found an opportunity to rescue the Hermainans. But we need to act quickly if we are to free them. And this plan relies on you. The Hermainans will be more likely to cooperate if someone they trust frees them. The only person here they trust is you."

Vivian was speechless. The plan needed her.

"How long until we get there?"

Vivian wouldn't quit this time. Not when she was this close.

~ Time Skip ~

"All clear. Now's your chance Vivian."

"I'm going for it guys. Uh.... no offence Pidge."


Vivian flinched and rubbed her ear. She then ran down the hallway, towards the cells. She finally reached the cells after running down empty hallways. She opened the first door to find a gladiator, clutching his weapon.

"Thank y-"

"Sorry wrong cell." Vivian said quickly, shutting the door again. She tried the next door, cringing at the sound of was either the gladiator attacking the door or guards who the paladins had missed. The door in front of her slid open slowly, and a dark room was revealed.

"Hello?" She called.

"Vivian!" A small Hermainan threw herself at Vivian, then wrapped her arms around her.

"Good to see you, Cantice. Is everyone else in here?"

"Yes. All the survivors are in here." Vivian hated the word 'survivors'. It meant that some had been killed.

"I'm here to get you home, but you have to come with me now." Vivian told the emerging figures.

"You might want to hurry, Vivian." Shiro informed

"The Hermainans are out and we are on our way out."

~ Time Skip ~

All the Hermainans were celebrating their freedom. The village elder was telling the Paladins how grateful they were.

"So what now?" Shiro asked Vivian. "You freed the Hermainans like you wanted to. What are you going to do now? If you choose to-"

"Stay with you guys. I'm staying with you guys. I had fun. More fun than I have ever had. I am going to stay and help fight the Galra."

Vivian emotions made her face tingle slightly. She became alarmed, not wanting to reveal her secret just yet. She squashed her emotions while Shiro told the other Paladins about her decision. She was soon embraced in a massive group hug, started by the Paladins, then finished by the Hermainans. She smiled to herself.

"I can't hug you all at once." she giggled.

"I know." Shiro answered. "Welcome to the Voltron family, Vivian."

(859 words)
(Try and guess the hinting guys. First clue, makeup near her eyes, but only BB cream.
Second clue, her face tingling when she got overwhelmed with happiness.
Have fun!)

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