Chapter 6: Slave

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(Vivian is still on the same planet

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(Vivian is still on the same planet. Also please ignore the storm in the picture. I was mainly aiming to get the ideal ground. Anything to do with the sky is not important.) 

"Are you sure she's waking up?"

"Of course I am. Look at her. You can see her eyelids moving."


"I dare you to poke her."

"What!? No! If she's like what the Galra said she's like, she'll kill us!"

"Just do it."

A small finger poked Vivian's arm and she sat up, then clutched her head as it throbbed with pain. The figure that poked her threw itself away from her in fear. Vivian Turned herself slowly to face those who were talking.

"Don't worry, I don't bite. Well, unless you are Galra. Then I might bite."

The faces of the others made her laugh. They were shocked mixed with relief. They calmed down enough that Vivian could act like she was seeing old friends for the first time in a while.

"I'm a bit curious, what are we in?" She quizzed

"A vehicle that travels on rails. They are fast, and I think you humans call them trains."

Vivian stood up and walked over to the door. The looked through the plank of wood and saw the latch on the door.

"Are you kidding me? You guys have been trapped by a simple sliding latch and an open lock?"

She reached through the open the latch when a fizzing sound started to sound and she yanked her hand back into the carriage, tripped on her own foot and fell onto the metal floor.

"What the hell was that?!"

"The reason why we are stuck in here. Did you really think they would just use a simple latch?"

"Shit, I did." Vivian admitted

"What is shit?"

"Nothing, nothing at all." She hurriedly replied

The train began to rattle loudly as the engine started.

How did they even get a train in the first place?

"What are your names?" Vivian asked. She was replied with faces that clearly said 'why do want to know?'

"If I'm going to be stuck in here, I would like to know the names of the two in here with me." Vivian explained

"He's Calagrola (pronounced ca-la-groo-la) and I'm Pania ( pronounced pan-a)." Pania stood up and pointed to her brother and herself when she introduced her brother and herself.

"Nice to meet you two." She held her hand out to shake hands. She then shrugged and moved her hand away after noticing they probably didn't know what a hand shake was.

The train started to move off, and the sound of numerous growls reached Vivian.

"There's Trelven on this train, isn't there?"

"Yes. There is 20 Trelven and 20 Kichy (Pronounced ki-chi) on the train. With you also." Calagrola said gravely.

"Did you see a Trelven with a crescent moon on her face and left shoulder?" Vivian asked with her hopes and voice rising.


Slumping to the ground with a thud, Vivian grumbled unhappily.

~ Time Skip ~

The train stopped suddenly and threw all its contents forwards. Vivian, who was asleep, woke up screaming.

"Calm down, we've just stopped moving." Pania mumbled

A Galra soldier opened the door, then let six more flood inside.


Two grabbed Vivian's arms and shoved her forwards. The one on her left seemed amused by the technology in her arm.

"She's been with us before. Zarkon's witch talked about something like this a couple of years ago. She called the recipient 'survivor' or something. I think this weakling here may be survivor."

Vivian was not impressed. It reminded her too much of what Haggar called Shiro, and the horrors he might of faced. 

She walked off the train and over to where the soldiers where directing her to go, in front of a giant block with a purple line running down the middle.

The Paladins told me about this. But didn't they already beat it?

The soldiers placed strange looking bracelets on her wrists and upper arms. There was another fizzing sound and the soldiers secured some chains to her, then moved on to the prisoner in front of her. Vivian traced the chains back to the block. She was going to have to drag it. 

I'm the leader. The leader always takes the most weight.

Her eyes drifted back to the Trelven and the Kichy prisoners. Their chains were all some how connected to her.

I'm the leader. I'm going to have to pull most of this things weight.

The penny dropped and Vivian now realised her fear was reality.

I've become a slave.

(782 words)

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