Part 21

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“It’s unfair, you know. We just got married and you want to go back to work.” Wilmer sounds like a boy and I can’t help but giggle. Although we didn’t want that, we had to come back from Vegas earlier than we wanted. The work doesn’t wait.

“You will be with me for the rest of the life, so I’m sure we will have time for vacation. And we definitely can go back to Vegas.” I smile and walk to ‘our’ bedroom. It still feels strange. Everything feels strange. I’m not even used to be called Mrs. Valderrama.

“Okay, I’m going to call my family to tell about us. Then I will call to my lawyer.” He kisses my cheek and walks to the workroom, while I sit on the bed and look at my phone. Yes, I need to tell my family too. Oh boy, they are going to be mad.

Taking a deep breath, I dial the number. Okay, deep breaths, Demi.

“YOU WHAT?” Dallas shouts and I sigh. Well, maybe I had to tell my family about wedding… They all go crazy about that. I managed to tell my mom about it, and, of course, she got mad because we didn’t invite anyone. She doesn’t understand the reason why we married so mysteriously. After a conversation with mom, I decided to call Dallas, hoping she will be happy but… I was wrong.

“We got married, it was just a civil marriage. We will have a beautiful wedding later.” I try to explain. Dallas sighs but doesn’t say anything. “Sorry.” I apologize. Wilmer opens the bedroom’s door and walks in.  “Dallas, I gotta go. Talk to you later.” And before she can say something, I press the ‘end’ button and put my phone beside me. He looks… happy?

 “The lawyer thinks that I have more chance right now. Therapists have talked with Elisabeth and she said she wants to live with me.” Wilmer gives me a smile. 

“That’s good” I say, happily. “Don’t worry, baby, everything will be fine, I’m sure the judge will let Elisabeth live with you.” I lean over and give him a kiss.

“I hope so.” He says and grins. “You know, I missed my wife.”

“Oh really? If I understand correctly, she’s sitting right in front of you, right now.” I grin at him too and push him, so he’s laying on the bed, “And I missed my husband too.” As soon as these words leave my mouth and kiss him again.

Good to be married.


Two months later

Two months have passed imperceptibly fast. Despite all the unforgettable moments I have spent with Wilmer, life hasn’t changed. The problems with Elisabeth are still problems, and with each passing day it becomes harder.  Maybe we really can’t get her back…

“I don’t know what I have to do, but I will do anything to get her back.” Wilmer shouts into his phone and then slams it to the table. I sigh and walk closer to him. “This is so fucked up. That asshole doesn’t even love her…” Wilmer says as he wraps his hands around my waist.

“Calm down. Everything is going to be okay.” I leave a peck on his lips. He nods his head and sits on the chair, making me sit on his laps. “We will have to wait for the court. It’s the only thing what we can do right now.” I lean over and kiss him again.

“Demi, that bastard is her biologic father and he has enough money to create a good life for her. He swears to the judge he loves Elisabeth, and some things about me leaving Eli’s mother because of you don’t helps me at all.” His voice is so sad.

“Don’t lose faith, okay? I’m sure everything is going to be okay. Elisabeth wants to live with you. This is the biggest argument.” I try to find something positive although it’s really hard. Sleepless nights, trying to find something bad about Elisabeth father, sleepless nights of crying because the little girl is not with us. It’s exhausting but it’s worth it.

“If I lose her…” Wilmer starts but I cut him off.

“No, don’t think about it. She will live with us, and we all will be a happy little family. Everything what happened in the past, will be left in the past. You know, these things make us stronger. And -” I want to continue but Wilmer shuts me up with the kiss.

“We should have a baby too.” Wilmer says as we pull away. I can’t help but smile. A baby would change our life in a good way. Yes, I guess I want a baby.

“We will see what we can do about it but first let’s finish this thing with Elisabeth.” I kiss him again. Wilmer smiles, making me smile too. Who would have thought that he will like children?  “Are you hungry?” I ask. Wilmer nods and I stand up, still smiling.

Suddenly everything starts turning around. What’s it? I close my eyes and start taking deep breaths but it isn’t helping at all. I want to tell Wilmer but everything gets black. What’s going on?


I want to open my eyes but eyelids are so heavy. What’s going on? I fight my eyelids again and again and finally, I manage to open them. Everything is white. Where am I?

I close my eyes for a moment and then open them again.  Am I in hospital? I look down at my arm where the catheter is. Yes, I’m really in hospital. I look around the room but it’s empty. What’s happened?

I slowly sit up and everything starts turning around. Taking deep breaths I calm down. I look around the room again until something at the end of my bed catches my eyes. There a papers. I take them, confused. What is it? What’s going on?

I try to remember what has happened. Wilmer talking about Elisabeth, new baby and I… I don’t remember anything. I probably fainted. But why? And where’s Wilmer?

Ignoring the thoughts about fainting, I look down at the papers. As soon as I start reading my eyes widens. These are papers from my hospital card. These are papers about my pregnancy…


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