Chapter 9: Thing called life pt 1

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I walked around the store looking for this bike my baby girl Mara wanted for her birthday. I spoiled my nieces and nephews to death. I face timed Kamaya waiting for her to reply. I heard a little sniffled before she answered. "H-hey Ricky" she greeted. "Hey, is this the bike Kamara wanted? I asked flipping the camera. "Yup, that yellow one and she wants a Fuji Instax mini camera," she said. "I got that," I said.

"Don't forget the film" she said. "I got it" I chuckled. "Aye, my man" I called. The employee walked towards me. "Hey, how can I help you? He asked. "Let me get this bike," I said.

"Oooh I think were sold out, that one is a seller" he mentioned. "I'll go look for you," he said walking in the back. "You're such a good uncle," she said tiredly. "Anything for my baby," I said. "You good though? I asked. "Yeah, I'm laying around about to get up and help mommy cook," she said. It was going on 12 her ass should've been up hours ago. "Okay, well I'll see you later," I said as we both hung up. "Yeah, its sold out," he said.


"Fuck, I need that today. Is there any other option? I asked. "We have the bike in purple," he said. "No, I need the yellow one today," I said. "You can get it sent to you today but you would have to pay an extra fee," he said. I nodded my head "Let's make it happen" I said.


I sat up stretching my arms. I looked through my dim blinds outside to see the moon bounces being blown up in our backyard. I then frowned looking at a picture of my youngest son Khaden. He would've been 5 yesterday. He was born a day before Kamara's birthday. It's been two years now and the pain still cuts deep. Every time one of my children whether its Rudy Jr, Kamara or Kiyan have a birthday I get so emotional. My baby was the sweetest there was and it the pain will never go away. "Hey baby," I said. I saw Rudy hunched over on the phone he quickly placed it down. "Morning, Maya," he said. I got wrapping my arms around him kissing his shoulder. "Okay it's a bet, I'll see you later," he said.

'Who was that? I asked. "Nobody," he said turning around to peck my lips. "So you're working on your daughter's birthday? I asked. He got up "Nah baby, I'll be here" he said. I gave an unsure look crossing my arms. "Then where the fuck are you going? I asked.

"To make a business run, you know for your dad. The shit I've been doing" he raised his voice. I got from off the bed" "Fucking stupid" I mumbled.

"Yeah, okay.. you always think somebody doing something take your ass on," he said. I went to the bathroom grabbing my toothbrush. I began brushing my teeth in circling motions. I rinsed my mouth fully, then starting my shower. A few minutes later he walked in. "Babe" he called. I turned around "Yeah" I answered. He walked towards me pulling me into a hug. "I'm sorry, I know it's a rough day for the both of us. I didn't mean to snap on you" he said kissing me. "It's okay" I half smiled.

"I love you," he said. I grabbed his face pulling him for a deep kiss. He slowly let go

"I gotta make a run but Imma be back for Mara's birthday," he said.

"Okay baby," I said. Once I finished showering I went downstairs to see my kids eating even my big kid Rudy. "Hey baby" I smiled kissing his cheek. "Hey Kamaya," he said. "Boy, don't get comfortable just cuz you 14," I said. I had Rudy when I was 15 years old. I was young and dumb but Rudy never left my side. When Dreux and Ricky found out they tag teamed my ass. I never got cursed out and thrown around so much in my life. Ricky was in college and Dreux was working for my dad. They always wanted better for me. Once I turned 18, Rudy and I started working for my dad. I was working in his old club as a bottle girl and trying to get my Modeling Agency from the grown up. "Happy Birthday ladybug" I smiled hugging Kamara. "Thanks, mommy" she smiled. I then hugged Kiyan "Hey mommy" she smiled.

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