Chapter 34: Life or Death

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"Morgan are you okay? I asked coming in our room. "Yeah," she said getting comfortable in the bed. "You sure? I know you heard everything" I sighed. "He doesn't want me to be his daughter anymore? She frowned. Once she said that she broke my heart. "No, no he didn't mean it" I said. "If you're not talking to him, I'm not talking to him" she rolled over. "Don't be like that Morgan... I promise you he didn't mean it like that. He loves you like you're his own... you're very special" I said.

"Really? She asked. "Yes, really and no matter what happens. Whether we move, you got me and I'm going to make sure you blossom into a beautiful young lady, I'm going to make sure you follow whatever dream you want" I told her. She smiled "Okay," she said. "Josie, what was mommy and daddy like? She asked. I was caught completely off guard this is the first time she's asked about them.

"Dad was a mechanic, he loved cars. He wanted to open his own shop but that never really happened for him and mom... mom was so talented. She could sing and dance... that's where we get our talents from... I guess she pushed it all to the side when she had us and then after you were born I think they both went through a mid-life crisis" I spoke.

"What's that? She asked. "Nothing... you get some rest," I said.

"Goodnight" I said kissing her cheek. Talking to my sister about my parents gave me some kind of enlightenment. I hate that they left us on our own but maybe they were both suffering so much that they thought a cult was best for them. Its crazy but I'm doing the exact thing trying to do what was best for us. Maybe that's just what they felt they needed. It hurts badly but maybe I should start to get over it. I walked in the bathroom removing all of my makeup. Jace was on his high chair bouncing up and down. "Da da" I couldn't believe he was really calling Ricky his dad. It was cute at first but after tonight its like no, he denied all of us.

"It's Mr. Ricky to you" I corrected him.

"Da" he pronounced showing his bottom teeth that were coming in.


"Da" he smiled

"Ky" I said

"Da da" he grinned. "What am I going to do with you Jace? I asked washing my face. I stripped getting in the shower. "Are you going to let mommy shower tonight? I asked. He turned looking at me while I went in. As I shower I started thinking of a back up plan. I needed one; tonight reminded me that I couldn't get comfortable. If I wanted to be a successful designer. I needed to get on my shit. I was making enough to take care of them but I needed more money to make my dream alive. Fuck Ricky! I give this fake lifestyle a good 5 months and then I'm out. If he thinks I'm staying around while he throws insults my way and acts like he runs everything he has another thing coming. I rinsed my body off turning the shower off. I wrapped my towel around my body.

The Next Day

I made my way downstairs to turn on my coffee mug as well as find something to eat. I'm not much of a cook, usually I'll pick something up or I'll nibble off what's left over that Josie made. I wish Nesta was here, all of this would already be done. I had suits that needed to be tailored and dry cleaned and errands that needed to be ran but that's what Josie is for. Since she wants to do pop ups she can pop up at all of the stores I need her to be at. Morgan would be down here any minute and I needed to apologize. I felt so bad, I would never want her to feel denied by me. I know how it feels to not feel loved or even noticed by your parent. I was just saying that out of anger and too bad she heard it. I beat myself up all night about it. Hearing things like that as a child stays with you forever; I just hope it wasn't too late to fix that. I left my train of thought once my phone started vibrating. I quickly answered it. "Wassup" I said

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