Chapter 64: Trouble in Paradise

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*Click the song near the end* A vibeeee

That Weekend

I stood outside watching a few of my cars being washed by my favorite premium car wash company. "Aye make sure you get that red Honda too" I said. The service guy nodded his head going back to get more products. "Why don't you ever drive your other cars? Josie said coming down the steps with Jace. "They're just for a show... what you wanna ride in one? I asked

"I never been in that Lamborghini," she said. "Wear something cute tonight we're going to a party," I said. "Okay," she said. Jace walked near me "You wanna test drive some cars, little man? I asked him. I grabbed my ring of keys. "Come on" I picked him up carrying him to my yellow Ferrari. I opened the door sitting him on the seat. He leaned over holding the stirring wheel. He giggled "Yeah, you like that huh? I asked. He began crawling to the other side. My phone began to vibrate I looked down to see a text from Lenny.

Lenny G:

Can't wait to speak business with you later. See you then

I sat down along with him watching him have a ball. I turned on the radio turning up the music. He began nodding his head to the beat. I laughed "What you know about this? I asked


I held Dylan finally getting her to fall asleep. She's been up all night long so I played some classical music and she fell asleep instantly. The same thing I used to do with Junior was to play some classical music and he'd be out in 5 minutes. I didn't want to put her down either. I forgot how therapeutic it feels to hold your newborn. Mia walked in with a half smile, these few days have been rough. She hasn't been feeling her best and on top of that me bringing up the wedding put a whole chip on her shoulder. "Hey I want to talk," she said. "Okay," I said placing Dylan in her crib. I gave her my undivided attention "Wassup" I said. "I needed a few days to think about what you said. I understand you were thinking about us it's just overwhelming sometimes when we talk about this stuff. I'm not stressing myself out trying to plan this wedding. It's not fair to me at all, so we can do the court wedding" she said in a bland expression. It was evident that she was heartbroken about this. I sat on the rocking chair feeling bad I didn't mean to take the excitement away from her. "I didn't mean to take your excitement away. I know it is every woman's dream to have a huge wedding" I said

"I have to think about Dylan and Dreux right? It's smart... I'm just" She covered her eyes. "Aww come here," I said. She came to me sitting on my lap. "I don't want anything to happen to you" she cried. "We don't have to talk about it anymore okay," I said. "Don't cry baby stop it... you know I hate to see you cry" I said. She laid her head on my chest. "You're right, we can't ignore it" She wiped her eyes.

"Look, we get married in a week or so just the two of us privately on a beach if you'd like. Then we plan the wedding and you can have it whatever way you'd like" I said. "Promise? She asked. "I promise," I said

"Even pink everything" she asked. "Yo, if you want a bubble gum wedding we'll have a damn bubble gum wedding," I said. She laughed making me smile "I love you Dreux, you're a great man. I don't give you enough credit. You try to make me happy. I'll do whatever you want" she looked up at me. That felt refreshing to hear from her. "I try" I grabbed her hand kissing her. It grew silent for a few seconds. "Remember when we met in the club? She asked

"Hell yeah and your ass ain't pay me no mind," I said rubbing her thigh. She sucked her teeth "Because I already knew you were a bad boy and I was not supposed to be around your ass" she said. "All I saw was the cute redhead girl, girly hair, huge sparkly eyes, a nice body. I could tell that you carried yourself the best way so I had to spit some game and you curved me so hard" I shook my head.

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