Chapter 14: Dysfunction

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I sat at the table getting ready for this model call. I had my assistant Lance to the left of me and a few other models that I hired. The FACED agency needs some new faces and now that I have a fashion show to work on I desperately needed models that could deliver. Once all 200 girls were I got up introducing myself. "Hey Ladies, I am so glad that you all took the time to come out. All I ask for you is to simply walk towards us, strike a pose, hand me your portfolio, and then walk back. I simply ask that you all bring confidence. I know its intimidating at times but shake the nerves off ladies. If we like what we see we will email you a week for now. Okay" I smiled


"Good luck" I smiled walking back. I turned on some music quickly sitting down. "Fashion Week by Wale played. The first model strutted down and she reminded of myself a few years ago. "Yes baby," I said taking down her number. Lance leaned over "I like her" he said. "Me too," I said

"Nice" I smiled taking her portfolio. In the midst me of this model call. My phone kept ringing, I looked over and it was Rudy. He never calls me more than once unless its an emergency. "Excuse me," I said getting up. "I'll be back," I told them. I answered the phone "Hey, babe" I answered. "I'm outside," he said.

"Outside for what? I asked walking down the stairs. "Just come down Maya" he urged. Okay" I said coming downstairs. I walked through the automatic doors to see him with a bouquet of roses in his hands. I smiled and I felt a bit of butterflies swarming in my stomach. We weren't the romantic couple; I know Rudy loves me by his actions not but materialistic things but these roses made me feel so much better. "Oh wow, I didn't expect these" I smiled taking them. "Thank you" I added.

"You're welcome, I know we're going through a lot and I don't have time for you as I should but I'm free so let's go to lunch," he said. "Aww" I hugged him as he wrapped his arms around me. I was bummed that I was busy today and this would probably be the last time in a while that we go on a date. I sighed "I'm in the middle of a modeling call and then I have three modeling classes to teach after" I frowned. He bit his lip looking down at me. "Take a break," he said. "Okay only an hour," I said getting in his car. He rubbed my thigh while we were talking. "I'm really shocked that you made time for little ole me," I said.

"You act like I don't want to, always being negative Nancy always killing the vibe," he said. I rolled my eyes "I can't say that I'm surprised. If you're defensive about you need to do better, then" I rolled my eyes. "Okay, Maya," he said. Our relationship is honestly a wave; I can't say I like the fact that my boyfriend of 13 years is a criminal but its one of those situations that you're thrown in. Sometimes, I'm hard on myself because I know I can do better but I just love Rudy. I'm not the happiest and things can be better but I don't want to be alone. I want to take trips, get pampered, a have my man home all night but it doesn't work like that over here. "I wasn't even trying to be extra; you're just being sensitive" I frowned

"I just, I want to be this perfect man for you but I know it isn't possible at this moment" he admitted. That statement kind of saddened me. "Its always some shit going on, you know that"

I sighed rolling my eyes "Why does it always have to be something going on? Its tiring"

"What really happened between you and Ricky? I asked.

"He just gets on my nerves from time to time. He acts like we ain't practically grow up together. I've been with you since we were 14 and it's always been bad blood between us. He steady saying that I'm trigger happy and I know I need to chill out sometimes but he can at least give me my credit when due. He turns his neck up at me all the time but he needs to respect me because I'm the one that puts my life in danger. If we're being completely honest, I'm the one getting rid of anyone that tries to come for this family. A family that I don't even share the same bloodline with" he said.

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