Chapter 48: The Cut Off

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"I'm so fucking stupid, you were right. You told me not to do it but I did it anyway thinking things would be different" I cried. She frowned; handing me a box of tissue. "What happened? You're crying way too hard over an argument" Erica said. I knew I had to tell her everything that happened but I didn't want her to judge me. "I don't want you to judge me" I sighed. "Girl, I used to hoe around I can't judge anybody," she said making me laugh

"A few weeks ago I got kidnapped I don't remember what happened but I was drugged up and Ricky saved me," I said. Her face dropped "What? She yelled. "See I didn't want to tell you" I sighed. "He has war with another mob or something and they found me. I was going outside to get my laptop next thing I know everything went black. Morgan was in the house by herself and Ricky had to get her than save me. He didn't want to tell me what was going on because he didn't want me to know. So then he found out that I've been working at the club and apparently one of the guys at the club that harasses me wants to get into contact with Ricky so he caught me at the club" I explained

"Girl" she said

"He- he choked me against the wall"

"Hold up now! Choke as in choke during sex choke or crazy guy choke? She asked.

"He choked the hell out of me and began shaking me we got into it so bad. I called him out on his shit but he finished it and called me every name in the book. He made me feel so low and I just was trying to tell him how I feel. He said I was dead to him and everything" I explained trying not to cry again

"Ughh his bitch ass fuck him," she said angrily

"I just needed the money, I don't want my sister to end up like me. I don't want her pregnant at 20 trying to figure it out and working super hard. I want her to work because she wants to not have too. I don't want her to deal with any guy that will abuse her mentally or physically. Is it bad that I just want to provide for my family?

"Listen, girl, I may not have gone the route you went but you have serious balls for doing what you did. A lot of women would've quit their first week working for that fool but you didn't. You're so strong and I commend you make me want to be the best mom when I have a child. I'm not judging you at all, and when Morgan gets older she's going to appreciate you. You're talented as fuck and one thing that Ricky didn't take was your talent and drive. You're going to be just fine, I promise" she smiled wiping my tears. I smiled "Thank you Erica"

"No problem boo, now what are we going to do with Ms. Diva over there? She asked. We both looked at Morgan knocked out on the couch. "She's going to be so devastated. Ricky loves that little girl and she loves him so much" I sighed.

"You going to switch her schools? She asked me

"I didn't even think too deep into it. She's blossoming so much there but I can't afford it. I don't know" I sighed. "You're going to have to talk to her" she stated.

"Yeah I know" I sighed

One Week Later

Ricky woke up moving the sheets from off him. He placed his hand on his head in pain. He got into another altercation with some guys at the club. He grabbed his phone looking at the time it was 10 am. He stared at his screensaver looking at the picture of Josie at the photo-shoot that he made his screensaver. He sucked his teeth "Fake hoes" he said beginning to change it. His phone rung stopping him in the process. He quickly answered it seeing that it was The Markell's. 

"Hello," he answered.

"Hey Ricky this is Greg"

Ricky marched downstairs "Hey Greg, how are you? He asked opening his freezer. He noticed all the food was unthawed including the bag of vegetables he always used to place over his face. "I was just calling to see if you got invited to the Mayor's Ball," he said. Ricky closed the freezer door pressing the ice button to see if that worked but his whole refrigerator broke, his face was pulsating and he just wanted some damn ice to relieve it. "No, I have to check, give me one second," he said opening his front door. He walked outside to open his mailbox. He saw a golden envelope. "I think so," he said opening it

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