Chapter 22: Risky

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Algee Smith - Capri

Luke James - Rafiq

Elijah Kelley-Dorian

Bryshere Gray- That's Cortezz duhh

Keith Powers- That's Ricky duhhh

Woody McClain- That's Rudy duhh


My alarm clock woke me up. I stared at the time and it was 7:30 am. Today Morgan was going back to school and her school was about 40 minutes from where we now lived. I had to get her dressed and out by 8:15. "Morgan" I called.

"Hmm" she mumbled rolling over. "Time to get up boo," I said getting out of the bed. I walked towards the crib to see Jace ready for me with his hands reached out. "Hi, my baby" I smiled kissing his cheeks.

Morgan was up getting her things together. "Take a quick shower," I said. "I am" she yawned. I was so glad Morgan was getting older and she could now dress and bathe herself. That was one last thing I had to do. I walked out the bedroom to hear Ricky's music booming. Almost every morning his music is on loud for a good thirty minutes. I carried Jace downstairs turning on the kitchen light to make him a bottle. I yawned placing him in his high chair. He began to panic and cry. I sighed just wanting him to relax for a second. This single parent life is hard and I was losing sleep. I was only getting about 4 hours a night. I handed him his pacifier while he tapped on his table. I boiled a pot of water to make us some oatmeal.


I pulled up in front of Mia's house to take our son to school. I was here a little earlier to hopefully talk for a second. I called her phone so she could open the door.

"Yeah" she answered. I bit my lip as I heard her voice. She was so sexy when she's bothered by me. "Open the door," I said. I could hear her sigh. "Why are you here so early? I'm getting dressed" she said.

"Okay, and you can still open this door," I said. "Bye," she said hanging up. I got out of my car walking to the door. I stood there waiting for her to answer. Shortly I heard her footsteps near the door. She opened it, allowing me in. "Junior is getting dressed," she said walking in the kitchen. I watched her hips moved as she pounced on the counter to make her coffee. "Mia, I'm sorry babe," I said placing my keys down.

"Not your babe.. and I don't want to talk about this" she said.

"Well shit, how long you gone walk around with this chip on your shoulder like everything else? I asked. I knew I hit another nerve the way she turned around. "Until I feel like it, I'm not fucking ready to talk about it and you're not going to sit here and harass me just so you can feel better about yourself" she crossed her arms

"You got a smart ass mouth little girl," I said. "Whatever Dreux- just please do something productive" she turned back around. I walked over to her trying to wrap my hands around her waist. "Get off me Dreux" she spat pushing me off. I rested my chin on her shoulder "Why would I just apologize to make myself feel better? You act like I'm a heartless nigga, I ain't scared to admit my faults" I said

She moved her shoulder "Good for you" she said pouring her coffee in a mug. I had it with her nonchalant ass that's why I went off on her the way I did because she always wants to act like shit don't affect her. "You know what be mad then with your bitter ass," I said.

"Okay let me be a bitter bitch then... in peace," she said fixing her coffee. I angrily turned her towards me. "Mia, I'm not fucking play this game with you. I said I apologize" I yelled. "And I said I don't want to talk about it. You don't say some foul shit like that to me and then choose when I can forgive you. It doesn't work like that; I know that's how y'all get down but that never worked over here now leave me alone" she snapped walking away. She had a point but at the same time, I wanted to dead the tension. Jr could feel it when we're around each other. "NO" I pulled her back now I was in her personal space and she couldn't move at all. She rolled her eyes looking to the side. I lightly grabbed her chin making her look at me.

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