Chapter 19: Family Feud (pt3)

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"No problem, goodnight," she said walking past us. I wish I could've stalled her a little more now its was him and I. His eyes were dark and I was scared out of my mind.

No fuck it! Josie its time for you to start standing up for yourself. How many more times are you going to let men have the last word? How many times are you going to be talked to like a dog?

"Are you fucking crazy? He grabbed me by my arms "Hm?

I swallowed the lump forming in my throat

"Get off me "

"No fuck that, you got me fucked up. Don't ever pull some shit like that" he warned roughly pushing my wrist away.

"Fuck you" I spat back. He looked taken back and a bit surprised. "Fuck you and your dumb ass, dysfunctional ass family" I shouted.

"Care to repeat that? He asked.

"You heard me," I said. "GET THE FUCK OUT MY CRIB" he raised his voice. If looks could kill I'd be dead right now. Its like I was scared and not scared at the same time.

"Gladly, that's what I was trying to do anyway. I wish I never crashed into your dumb ass car anyways. You know what's funny... you don't even know why you don't like me. I have been nothing but nice to you and all you and your family ever did was shit in my face. FOR WHAT? I yelled at the top of my lungs.

"I'm a damn good assistant and you know it. I went through your emails and I had several good feedbacks about myself. Even the damn bouncers told me that you that I'm a good asset to the club. You think you would tell me that? I asked

"No, or maybe I'm so good at what I do. It drives you crazy. You hate me though... right?

"Because I crashed into your BMW... the car not even that cute" I added.

"Shut that shit up and dip" he sucked his teeth.

"I've never judged you or played with your character but for a good 10 minutes I had to listen to myself being talked about like I was a piece of trash ..forget you," I said

"You shouldn't have been eavesdropping anyways...stay out grown folk's business," he said angrily. I walked towards him pointing my finger in his face.

"You are not in any position to be mad right now," I said. "And that wasn't grown men talking that was nothing but a bunch of bitches. The only one that probably would've had my back is Dreux" I said. He clenched his jaw staring down at me.

"Fuck outta here, it wasn't even that serious. Take your sensitive ass on somewhere and let's not forget I saw you talking to the FBI, then come to find out you had the audacity to go behind my back trying to get an employment opportunity from my uncle. Type of shit is that? He asked.

"Audacity? I asked. "Yeah, audacity," he said

"Hmm, how about instead of assuming shit and letting it ruin your mood you actually ask me instead. So you're mad I took a card from your uncle because he gave it to me or are you mad because I told the FBI that I didn't know much about your family history because I'm a new employee? I asked lifting my brow. He stood there angry and a clueless.

"Idiot" I scoffed getting ready to go upstairs.

"Oh I see your balls dropped. Keep talking all that shit and see what else happens" he warned.


The fuck did she think she was? Talking to me like that. It was taking everything out of me not to revert back to my old self. I don't take disrespect lightly so she had to fucking go and get out my house before it gets bad. "I'll help," I said

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