Chapter 20: Don't Hurt Yourself

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*You gotta play Beyonce 6inch heels or Don't Hurt Yourself to get the vibe lol*


I slowly opened my eyes quickly covering my eyes from the sun raze. I rolled over and Morgan wasn't there. I quickly got up patting around the bed for my phone. I had a terrible headache and I just felt sick overall. It was 1 pm in the afternoon and I completely overslept. I had 4 missed calls from Erica. I texted her about what happened but rarely went into detail with her. I know she wants the details but I'll tell her later. I got out from the bed walking to the bathroom. I looked in the mirror and my eyes were puffy from crying all day. I heard Jace crying so I knew he was downstairs with Nesta.

Once I finished showering and brushing my teeth. I lotioned my body throwing on some fresh pajamas. I kept having flashbacks of that argument between Ricky and I and I even surprised myself. So many moments had me confused but I wasn't going think too much about it because I was still emotional. I yawned walking downstairs to see all of them eating, to my surprise the kitchen table was filled with catered fruit and sandwiches. "Goodmorning" I said.

"Good morning" Nesta smiled. "Hi Baby" I smiled kissing Jace's cheek. Morgan sais hi lowly but I knew she was upset about last night. "Ricky ordered us food" Nesta said. I smirked he only did that because he felt bad as if that was going to help. I grabbed a paper plate placing pineapples and strawberries on my plate as well as two ham sandwiches. I was starving. I sat next to Morgan "Hey, I'm sorry about last night" I said hoping she's forgive me. "It's okay" she half smiled eating her food. "That was so nice of him to do this" she said.

"Mmmm..very" I said popping a grape in my mouth. I heard footsteps coming downstairs indicating that he was here. I went to the fridge grabbing me a bottle water. I closed the water and sure enough he was there. "Good afternoon" he said to all of us. I felt him stare me down from periphial vision. I didn't say anything or even looked his way. I just made my plate. I was debating weather or not I was actually leaving. He really pissed me off and I'm tired of his family but I need the money and my sister is comfortable. I honestly think the only thing that saved me from being fired or hurt is Morgan. She slowly has him wrapped around her finger and he wouldn't dare fire me because he knows it effects her. Maybe since I cursed him out he'll leave me alone this time; I may not be quitting but were damn sure moving into an apartment.

I walked passed him going upstairs. I know he wanted to say something especially since its going on 2 and I haven't done a thing yet but I'll get to it as I please.


I sat back at my desk doing some of the work Josie was supposed to do this morning. I didn't even know if she was quitting or not but I guess it was time to put everything in my hands. Dreux walked "Wassup" I yawned.

"Wassup" he said sitting down on the chair in front of me. The two of us still didn't talk about our huge fight... sometimes we say hurtful things to each other and we rather not deal with it at the moment but I did wonder what he wanted. I haven't seen him since I got here.

"So, you ready for Grant's mouth? I asked. He chuckled "Fuck him, I don't even care. We can always double the money back and really get that shit back" he said.

"I aint even gon lie, If I was you. I'd be stressed" I admitted. "You don't say" he said sarcastically. I laid back rubbing my hands through my hair. This shit was tedious and I desperately would love if she would come in even if she's not my cup of tea right now.

"So, what happened last night? He crossed his leg. "I knew you was gonna ask that shit bro" I chuckled

"The way you hopped out that car and flew in the house. I just knew, I was going to have to come in there and break it up but my senses told me that you knew better so...

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