Chapter 40: I'm Upset

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The Next Day

The swelling went down a little from the other night and I was finally back home chilling with my foot up before I had to go to work. This would probably be the last day I work late hours because I can't keep getting in the house at 2am. I wanna be able to tuck my sister in and ask her about her day and put my baby to sleep that wasn't Nesta's job. I felt bad because she was overworked and missing out on her family time. I got out my bed walking down stairs to check on Morgan, she made a new friend across the street. I stood by the door watching her play, Jace felt the urge to run outside and play so I let him trot out a little holding his hand. It felt so good outside, I don't know why I haven't really enjoyed this house. The front lawn was huge; I couldn't wait to have my own huge house with a picket fence.

"Having fun baby" I asked holding him while he jumped up and down. I saw Ricky coming down the driveway. "Daddy" Jace said. "Oh my goodness, Jace he's Mr. Ricky" I laughed. I get a little embarrassed when he says it because I know how Ricky can be. I know he loves my son like his own but he's the type that says wild things out of anger just like last time. So I'm iffy sometimes about it but Jace doesn't care. Ricky got out the car along with Dreux and Morgan came over running with her friend Justice. "Be carefu-

Morgan fell on the ground scrapping her knee. She began crying hard while her friend helped her. "Morgan, I told you to be careful" I said. Ricky went over helping her up. "Hey Dreux" I hugged him as he walked near me. "Wassup Josie.. wassup bro" Dreux said giving Jace a high five.

"Daddy" he said. I shook my head "Everybody isn't your dad" I laughed. "Daddy? Dreux laughed. "It's Uncle Dreux.. Josie, you cook anything in here" he said opening the refrigerator.

"I didn't plan on it" I said walking back outside. Hey Justice, Morgan can come back out a little later" I told her. "Okay" she looked at her worried before she ran off. Morgan was still crying "Let me see it" I said.

"It hurts" she said. I looked at the big scrape on her knee. "Calm down, it'll be okay" Ricky walked over getting his first aide kit. I smiled watching him help her on the chair. "What's that? She asked moving her knee. "Its going to help clean the wound" I said. "Noooo, its gonna burn" she whined turning to me. "Its just water" he lied. "Morgan look that way" he pointed. "Huh? She moved her head; he quickly poured the peroxide on her burn and she started flipping out. "Girl, you are so dramatic" I laughed. "I know, you aint talking fake crippled" he said. I rolled my eyes not saying anything. "Its really sprained though," I said rubbing my ankle. "Shhhh, its not the end of the world kid" he said placing a bandage on it.

"All better, see" he said wiping her tears. "Daddy of the year" Dreux said. She nodded her head hugging him. I rolled my eyes she was eating all that attention up.

"Dreux you lookin lighter these days" I complimented him. "Yeah, I feel good" he said. "Mmhmm, how's you and Mia? I asked. I figure I get all in his business since he's always in mine.

"We're good where back together" he said. "Oh my gosh, that is great. I'm so happy for you" I smiled. "Thankyou" he said

"Ahh and it's perfect because you two are about to have another baby. Are you going to propose? I asked.

"Yeah, in a few months I want us to go to therapy and shit" he said. "Therapy? Aint that shit for white folks? Ricky asked.

"Not necessarily" I said. "Psshh a bunch of white folks telling me my problems, yeah that works" he said looking through his phone. "They have black counselors Ricky" I rolled my eyes. "Yeah, okay. Um you mind stepping away for a second, I gotta talk to my brother" he said.

"Yeah, sure... come on Morg" I said. "I wanna go back outside" she said. "Morgan, you are a trip you were just hollering a second ago" I said.

"Mr. Ricky made me feel better" I said. "He's just one of a kind isn't he? I asked. She nodded "Maybe later, after you eat and take Jace with you" I told her. "Okay" she said going upstairs with him. I needed to know what the hell was going on. I chilled by the door up front where I could hear them.

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