Chapter 53: Too Fast (pt. 2)

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Ricky woke up hearing loud music echoing and the smell of breakfast. He heard a man singing. He knew it was that guy he saw earlier. Ricky stared at the ground not wanting to get up, not wanting to do anything. He didn't know how was going to make it throughout the day. He lost his little cousin and he felt a little guilty how things went down. That bullet was for him and he knew it. He was the one that did horrible things to people not Ronnie. Ronnie was soft and that's why he and Dreux always teased him but it was out of love they knew he wasn't cut for the things they did. Ronnie was better than all of them combined and everyone knew it.Even Cortez knew that but Ronnie wanted to be down. He just hates that it was him that had to go. Ricky could hear the guy singing to Maze and Frankie Beverly – Golden Time of Day. He slowly got up to see the guy in a shorts and tank top cooking food. Ricky was confused did his momma have a new man? The hell is going on? He thought. He got up slowly putting on his shoes. "Good morning young man" he said

"Good morning" Ricky spoke oddly looking at him. Craig turned down the music "I made some breakfast care to have some? He asked. "Who are you? Ricky asked. Craig snickered "I'm sorry, my name is Craig... Craig Ambrose. I'm a friend of your mother's" he said. Ricky lifted his brow "You're dating my mother" Ricky corrected him. "Yes, I knew your mother for a long time way before you were born. We reacquainted not too long ago" he said. "Where is she? He asked looking around. "She stepped out to go to the store told me to check on you" he said. "Well I'm good... thanks um tell my mom I'll see her around" he said adjusting his clothes. "Why don't you stay for breakfast so I can get to know you" he insisted. "We can catch up some other time" Ricky said. He had no intentions on getting to know Craig and he wasn't in the mood to talk.

"Have a seat" Craig demanded. Ricky oddly looked at him he bit the corner of his mouth sitting down. No one told him what to do but because his mom probably planned this he was willing to talk with him.

"Your mother told me all about you, she wanted me to talk to you" he said. "Oh, that's what this about... look I don't need a lecture please" he said. Craig began laughing "You remind me so much of myself 30 years ago. Tall, handsome, wealthy, huge ego, player like couldn't tell me shit" he snickered.

"I am you Ricky, I used to be a criminal and sell drugs until I turned my life around. I'm not some privileged man that's acting like he knows what he's talking about I lived your life" he said. Ricky didn't say anything he just listened. "I'm sorry about your little cousin, its hard losing family instantly" he said.

"What made you want to date my mom? Ricky changed the subject. "I had a thing for Moni back in high school but I was a bad boy I left her alone. I just admired her from afar... sometimes that's the best thing to do... then your father scooped her up and that was the end of that" he explained

"Damn" Ricky said. "I heard you have a lady in your life that your mother adores" he said. Ricky rolled his eyes "She's not my girl she was playing my fiancé for our foundation but she ended up crossing me so there's that" he said. "Crossing you, what she worked with one of your enemies? Had sex with a homie? He asked

"Close enough "Ricky said. "Want some coffee? Craig asked. "Y-yeah a little cream" he told him. "I want to know what happened maybe I can help you" he said. Ricky didn't understand why this guy was so damn nosey but since he swears he's Dr. Phil he'd tell him.

"Fine.. I run Lemonade. Long story short this young girl I knew of from a previous incident. She wanted to strip at Lemonade. I stopped her and offered a better position of playing my fiancé. I was giving her 7k every two weeks, I took care of her son like he was mine, and I even still pay for her sister's tuition. We began having a bunch of disagreements, she needed a raise because her dad was dying and she decided to go behind my back to be a bottle girl at another club. Turns out my enemy worked there as well. I would've gave her the raise she just went out here way to go behind my back" he explained

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